Class Celebrations

Celebrating the growth in our wonderful children on each learning level...


This week the Prep students enjoyed an afternoon in the sun with the Year 5 students. It was a special time to see our youngest and some of our older students come together to enjoy reading and play. We were very proud of the Prep students' manners, care and sense of community as they formed new friendships. At South Melbourne Primary School we are very fortunate to have brilliant leaders in our Year 5 students who were very caring and nurturing towards the Preps. It was a magical time to see both cohorts come together. Keep being super community members, Preps!

Year 1

In Year One, we were fortunate to have an in-visit from the Flying Bookworm Theatre Company. The actors were incredibly charismatic and their performance had us all laughing throughout the show. The students actively participated in retelling numerous fairy tales that we have been studying in our Fairy Tale English Unit. They thoroughly enjoyed the stories and the humorous antics!

Year 2

This week, the Year 2 students decided to take their finances in their own hands! They learnt about the different monetary values of various Australian notes and coins and how to write these values in dollars and cents. The students were also able to practise using play money on how to exchange a certain amount of money with Australian notes and coins of different values. They applied different addition strategies to support them in exchanging money. Everyone was so excited to see the various combinations of notes and coins their peers have come up with. Here's our two cents: We think that this cohort are hard workers with their financial literacy!

Year 3

In Term 4 of Year 3, students participate in Humanities and English units about the Vikings. During these units, students learn about Norse myths and the history of Vikings. Last week we had an in-visit from Craft Power. Students had a blast! They drew a Viking design and with safety equipment, used a hammer and nails to create a frame, and then burned their models into the wood.


Year 4

Two weeks ago, our school held the House Sports Day. Year 4 students had a great day filled with various activities taking place all around the school grounds. They actively engaged in events like the classic egg and spoon race, a thrilling soccer scoring challenge, and even the Volcanoes and Ice Cream Tournament. It was truly a day to remember.


What was particularly impressive was the way Year 4 students showcased their excellent character and sportsmanship throughout the day. Their positive attitudes and fair play were evident in every competition, making it a memorable and heartwarming experience for all who attended.

Year 5

Embracing our school values of both Learning and Community, the Year 5 students exemplified the power of togetherness during our buddy reading session with the Prep cohort. The older students not only nurtured a love for reading but also built a strong sense of unity within our school. By sharing their knowledge and acting as role models, they embodied our SMPS commitment to both lifelong learning and a supportive community.


There were lots of happy smiles. What a beautiful day it was!

Year 6

Our Year 6 students visited Melbourne Museum, where we had the privilege of experiencing a few remarkable exhibitions. The highlight of our visit was an exhibition that celebrated the rich history, culture, achievements and enduring resilience of Victoria's Aboriginal people. Titled "First Peoples," it eloquently narrated the story of Aboriginal Victoria from the time of Creation to the present day, with the voices and languages of the Koorie community guiding us through this remarkable journey. 


As we explored this exhibition and others, it was heartening to witness our Year 6 students come together as a team, relishing the opportunity to learn, laugh, and create lasting memories with their friends and teachers. Our students displayed remarkable behaviour, earning praise from a museum staff member who commended their impeccable manners. It was a day filled with education, camaraderie and proud moments for all of us.