Class Updates and Reminders

Messages from our Learning Levels...


Dates to Remember:

  •   Friday 1st December: Botanical Gardens Excursion


Has Your Child Been Accessing Wushka at Home? 

Wushka offers a range of books which will help students to practise and apply both their high frequency word and phonics knowledge. It is even set up to support students with comprehension with a quiz after each book. 


Teachers are monitoring student access to Wushka on a weekly basis. We encourage families to balance these books with physical books. We have one superstar who is averaging 20 books a week.


You can access Wushka on with the login sent by your child’s class teacher. Please get in touch if you have any issues. 


At Home Learning 

We have been very impressed with our youngest learners accessing Seesaw.


Please see below a possible structure for home learning time each night. We understand that this goes above our Homework Policy, so these tasks are optional.

If you require any support with home learning support for your child, please do not hesitate to reach out to your child's classroom teacher via email.


Prep A Miss Mak:

Prep B Mr James:

Prep C Mr Ben:

Year 1

Dates to Remember:

  •  Monday 20th November: Taskworks In-Visit 



We'd like to emphasize the importance of students wearing the appropriate school footwear and socks. We kindly request that you ensure your children come to school in black, polishable shoes when wearing their academic uniform, along with navy socks. If you have any questions or require additional guidance, please don't hesitate to get in touch with your child's class teacher.



Ensuring that your child arrives at school each day with a fully charged device is crucial for their learning. Students' access to school programs throughout the day is dependent on these devices. A charged device is essential to support their uninterrupted learning experience. Please support your child in ensuring they are charging their iPad every night. 

Year 2



It has been pleasing to see the consistent completion of Mathseeds each week. It is important that your child continues to complete 1 lesson a week. The new week starts on a Sunday. 


Your child's homework also includes reading 4 nights a week for 15 minutes. Your child can write in their reading details independently for you to sign. Their diary needs to come to school with them every day. Their teacher will sign their diary on a Monday. Thank you for your support with this.  



Devices are an integral part of your child's day with many programs, including Seesaw and Maths Invaders to name a few, incorporated into lessons. It is important for your child to bring their device fully charged every day. Thank you for your support with this so far. We hope these routines will continue until the end of the year with your guidance.

Year 3

Dates to Remember:

  • Friday 1st December: Soccer Gala Day


Soccer Gala Day

Please check you have given consent on Compass. We will be requiring parent helpers on the day. Please let your child’s class teacher know if you are available to volunteer.  


Learning Platform

Seesaw is a learning platform used both in the classroom and at home. Using Seesaw, we are able to connect home with the classroom. We are very proud of the students’ use of the platform. We are also very grateful for the parent engagement and interaction on the platform.


Your child will be transitioning to using a school laptop next year instead of an iPad. With this transition students will begin using Microsoft Teams as their learning platform within class instead of Seesaw. This transition is matched to and supported by parent access data which shows less and less families accessing Seesaw as their child matures and progresses through Year 3. 


Teams is a tool which allows students to interact and develop a wider range of technology skills, such as typing and presenting. We are excited to support students with the transition to Teams and laptop use next year.



This week, we conducted a uniform spot check, and the Year 3 teachers were delighted by the excellent efforts of our students in correctly wearing the school uniform. 


During the spot check, a few challenges were observed, including students not wearing navy socks and not using navy blue hair ties. We kindly request your support in ensuring that your child wears the correct uniform each day. 

Year 4

Dates to Remember:

  • Wednesday 15th November: SEA invisit
  • Friday 1st December: Soccer Gala Day


Soccer Gala Day

Please check you have given consent on Compass. We will be requiring parent helpers on the day. Please let your child’s class teacher know if you are available to volunteer.  



As we are now approaching Week 7, students should be at 60% of their AR target. The Year 4's showed an incredible amount of determination to reach their reading volume targets last term. Please check in with your child to ensure they are on track to reaching their target before Week 10 of this term.

Year 5

Dates to Remember:

  • Thursday 23rd November: Parliament Process In-Visit 


School Shoes and Socks:

We are continuing to notice that some students are still not wearing the correct school shoes and/or socks. We kindly ask that you send your children to school wearing black, polishable shoes with their academic uniform, paired with navy socks. If you have any questions or need further clarification, feel free to reach out to your child's class teacher. 



Please ensure your child is arriving to school each day with a fully charged device. Students access their school programs throughout the school day on their device.  

Year 6

Dates to Remember:

  • Friday 24th November: Year 6 In-Visit Port Melbourne 
  • Monday 4th December: Year 6 Gravity Zone 


As the excitement builds with our Graduation ceremony on the horizon, we are in search of enthusiastic family volunteers to lend a hand in creating a memorable atmosphere for our graduates. We are seeking individuals who can contribute their time and energy to assisting in crafting a stunning balloon arch and helping with the setup of the graduation. Please contact Miss Sarah on