School Leaders

Messages from the Office, Learning Specialists and School Organisers...

2023 Exits 

Do you know if you will be exiting the school at any point this year or early next year? Please send our Office Administration team an email at  Knowing this information in advance will assist the school with planning, budgets and staffing. Your plans don't have to be set in stone, just a heads up will do.  Alternatively, please pop in to the office to let Ms Kirsty or Miss Emma know of your intentions.

2024 Parent Payment Arrangements

School Council have revised and approved our school's Parent Payment Arrangements for the 2024 school year. These have been published to our school website which you can view here. Parent contributions significantly boost our ability to provide a high quality education for all of our students. Our wonderful families have been so supportive with paying their parent contributions in 2023 and we hope that support can continue into 2024. We will continue to strive for excellence and ensure every dollar of parent contributions go towards an enriched learning experience.

Temporary Inclusion Aide Staffing Opportunities

Occasionally, some of our Education Support staff will need to take leave in times of sickness or if going overseas. In theses instances, we often call in a Casual Relief Aide to support the year level for the day.

As community is so important to SMPS, we would like to offer this opportunity to our families so that they can be well-connected and involved with our school. 

If you are interested in doing casual relief work for Inclusion Aides, you would need an Employee Working With Children Check. 

If this sounds like something you would like to do, please send an expression of interest and your resume to Miss Jo on 

If you reach out, Miss Jo will contact you early in 2024. 

Sick Bay Chronicle Entries 

The Sickbay Chronicle feature in Compass allows our school to effectively manage student visits to sickbay by recording details of ailments, injuries, and illnesses your child may experience whilst at school.   

The most common reasons for a child attending sick bay are: 

A bump to the Head, Cut / Abrasion / Scratch, Heavy knock or bruising, Rash or Allergic Reactions, Insect Bites / Stings, Stomach ache, Head or Ear ache, Nose Bleeds, Cold or Flu symptoms, Sore throat, Asthma Symptoms, Vomiting or Diarrhoea. 


Most SMPS Staff are trained in First Aid Level 2, CPR, Asthma and Anaphylaxis so whilst we have a basic knowledge of how to treat and monitor most incidents, we are not trained medical professionals so cannot provide a diagnosis or major treatment needs. 


Depending on your child’s visit to Sick Bay, you may see treatment options such as: 

Wound cleaned and dressed, Washed / Flushed with Saline, Heat Pack applied, Ice Pack / Cold Compress applied, Temperature Check, Basic Concussion Test Performed, Student Allowed to Rest, A Little TLC (Tender Loving Care!). 


These are the most common forms of treatment that we provide to your child whilst at school and generally do not require any further interventions or follow up. This includes the student’s presentation, the staff member’s assessment of their condition, any treatment provided, and outcomes. 


A Sick Bay Chronicle entry will be made by staff, and you will be notified via automatic e-mail that your child has attended sick bay.     

Dear Parent, 

Your child attended Sickbay today.  

Please login to your Compass account to find out further details regarding your child. 

Kind Regards, 

South Melbourne Primary School 


If you receive the above Sick Bay notification, but a member of our school staff has not contacted you by phone, this is because your child has been assessed and treated and has been deemed well enough to return to class – there is no need for parents to call school.  You are able to check the details of your child’s visit to sick bay through Compass if you would like to know the reason and details of their visit. 


Sick Bay Chronicles can be seen on the Student Profile Tab in Compass.  If you have multiple children attending SMPS, you may need to check the Student Profile Tab of each of your children to see which child has visited us. 


If your child sustains a significant injury, is extremely distressed, has reported vomiting or diarrhoea or has a high temperature, a phone call will be made to you to advise you personally and discuss treatment options with you or to request you pick your child up immediately.  A Compass Sick Bay Chronicle will also be recorded later that day. 


It would be appreciated if parents could check Compass Sick Bay details if you receive notifications, prior to calling the office.  This way we are not relaying information that is readily available to you. 


Your support in this process is appreciated. 


SMPS Administration Team