Auslan Extra


Howdy Families, Carers and the Armstrong Creek community, 


So how did you go with signing the colours in Auslan? I hope the video was neither too fast nor too slow! So far you have learnt basic greetings related to emotions and colours. This one won’t be just Andrew - you will see that a brave student decided to help out! 


A friendly reminder as to which hand should be used when signing. Your dominant hand (the hand with which you usually throw, pick up a cup or write) leads. If a sign only requires one hand, use your dominant hand and if a sign requires two hands, the dominant hand leads and your non-dominant hand ‘supports’.


YouTube Clip – Working along with Eli, in this video you will find Andrew teaching using a basic interactive question-based approach.


Enjoy and be sure you continue practising basic greetings and colours. 


Have a great and safe holiday. 


From the Auslan crew !