News from the Learning Community

Year 1 Learning Community
Welcome to the Year One Learning Community.
Everyday we enjoy settling into our day when we sit in our Morning Circle. It’s a great way to start the day to check in, frame expectations, and have a bit of fun.
Enjoy the video of the Greeting and Positive Primer time of our Morning Circle.
Year 3 Learning Community
Hello from the Year 3 Learning Community in Cosy Corner!
Over the past few weeks we have been learning about empathy, kindness and how our words and actions can affect others. We want everyone to remember that at ACS we should always choose kindness.
Specialist Awards - Week 9
As part of our Year Level Assembly, we have introduced Specialist Awards. The Specialist teachers come together and identify which classes from each of the three areas have shown our values of Care, Collaboration & Commitment.
Let's see who our Week 9 winners were!
We have also attached our Week 5 video below!