Out of School Hours Care


22nd February 2023


The last 2 weeks have been nice and busy for the children who chose to take responsibilities at the service. Grade 5 and 6 helped in running the group time and actively helping with the daily activities.

Week 1

It is nice to see children go back to their routine. We made lot of crafts this week which included Colorful Button Tree, Patty Pan Owl Craft, Popsicle Owl Craft, Dot painting. Dot painting was their favorite activity, and they could not stop at one. The preps are now getting used to the Before & After School Care environment and are making new friends that are older than them.

Week 2

The second week started with celebrating “World Radio Day”; we colored the old retro Radio image. They found it interesting to know that UNESCO declared February 13 as World Radio Day because on this day United Nations Radio was first established in 1946. On the 14th February, we celebrated Valentine’s Day. The children made heart puppets using paper and pipe cleaners. On the 15th of Feb, we celebrated “Parinirvana Day” which is usually celebrated by the Buddhists. We painted Lotus flowers as an offering to Gautam Buddha. On the 16th & 17th of February, we celebrated “Random Act of Kindness Days”. The children spent time making their favorite crafts for their friends in the service or school and for their loved ones at home.