Star Students 

Well done everyone on your amazing efforts! 

Cayden F1/2TFor working hard on class tasks without becoming distracted.
Angelina R1/2TFor Excellent Listening during instruction.
Billie C1/2TFor working so hard on her amazing story.
Chelsea B1/2CFor settling in so well to LPPS.
Annalia G1/2CFor her excellent attitude towards maths.
Kruze Y1/2CFor always using his Lovely manners.
Jimmy B B1/2CFor always trying in the classroom.
Amelia D1/2cFor displaying beautiful behaviour.
Dylan S1/2C For excellent behaviour in class.
Katie R5/6RFor taking care and pride in her work.
Kai S5/6RFor working really hard to show focus and responsibility in class.
Hunter T1/2T For playing fairly and following game rules well.
Hayden S1/2TFor listening well during instruction time.
Aubrey G1/2T For always working hard in class.
Nell S00MFor applying her letter/sound knowledge to her reading and writing.
Braxten C    00MFor having a positive attitude towards his learning and giving everything a go.
Summer P3/4FFor settling  in beautifully to  our class. We love having you in 3/4F.
Kyeesha B3/4FFor being a kind & caring classmate who always tries her very best.
Bella F3/4CFor working hard to achieve her writing goal of including more wow words.