Learning and Teaching


Direction of Mathematics and English for 2023


As a school we are always striving for success and a large part of this is setting ourselves goals in Mathematics and Literacy. This provides our school wide direction for 2023.


This year our Mathematics goal is to improve student fluency and application of mental computation strategies. 


According to the Victorian Curriculum, ‘Fluency describes students developing skills in choosing appropriate procedures, carrying out procedures flexibly, accurately, efficiently and appropriately, and recalling factual knowledge and concepts readily. Students are fluent when they:

  • make reasonable estimates
  • calculate answers efficiently
  • recognise robust ways of answering questions
  • choose appropriate methods and approximations
  • recall definitions and regularly use facts,
  • can manipulate expressions and equations to find solutions.’

The application of mental computation strategies in Mathematics requires students to demonstrate the proficiencies of Understanding, Reasoning and Problem Solving.


We believe that fluency and application of mental computation strategies is vital for all our students to become confident and competent mathematicians and it is our role to support our students to develop these vital skills. 


Our Literacy goal for this year is to improve the vocabulary of all students to enhance their writing.


Vocabulary is an important focus of literacy teaching and is necessary for success in Reading, Writing and Speaking and Listening. 

Oral vocabulary refers to words that children can understand or use while speaking and listening. Oral vocabulary is closely related to their reading vocabulary, which is the words that children can recognise and use in their reading or writing.


We believe that by focusing on vocabulary we can positively impact the overall Literacy capabilities of all our students.

We look forward to sharing our insights and successes with you throughout the year.


The Learning and Teaching Team