Staying in Touch

Curiosity Contact Details

Please ensure that you call the Centre or text in before 9am if your child is unable to attend.   We do appreciate all our families who make the judgement call to keep their unwell children at home. Thank you.

Phone:  7127 2820

Mobile:  0408 226 664


Email the Director:

Email the Administration Assistant:

Email the Green Team Lead Educator:

Email the Blue Team Lead Educator:

Email the Orange Team Lead Educator:


Important Dates for 2023

Curiosity opens for Summer Holiday program - Wed, Dec 18


Term 1 commences for ALL children - Mon, Jan 30

Term 2 commences - Mon, May 1

Closure Days - July 6 & 7

Term 3 commences - Mon, July 24

Term 4 commences - Mon, Oct 16


Curiosity closes for 2023 on Thurs, Dec 14


Holiday programs will run throughout each term's holidays.  Nominations to attend will be sent to families in Week 5 of each term.

Staff Working Days and Nominated Supervisors/Warden and First Aid

Green Team

Mrs Childs - Mon to Fri

Mrs Frost - Mon to Fri

Miss Phoebe - Mon & Tues

Mrs Veronica - Wed, Thurs & Fri


Blue Team

Mrs Vanessa - Mon to Fri

Ms Lauren - Mon to Fri

Mrs Veronica - Thurs (Lead Educator Release)

Mr Joe - Tues - Fri  (Inclusion Support)

Mr Ollie - Mon - Thurs (Inclusion Support)


Orange Team

Ms Shelly- Mon to Fri

Mrs B - Mon to Thurs

Mr Joe  - Tues - Fri  (Inclusion Support)

Mr Ollie - Mon - Thurs (Inclusion Support)

Mrs Nicola - Fri (Inclusion Support)


Please refer to our entry Staff Board each day for these nominated roles.

Uniform Shop Hours

Online QKR! uniform orders are welcome.  You can download this app via the app store on your device.  Please make sure that you select ELC and not school uniforms to ensure you order the correct t'shirts and jumpers.


Orders will be packed on Tuesdays and Thursdays and ready for pickup from the front office at the end of the school day. 


The uniform shop is open for business:


Tuesday:  8.00am - 10.30am

Tuesday:  1.00pm - 3.35pm

Thursday:  1.00pm - 3.35pm


Please contact Dani, our Uniform Coordinator, via email for all your uniform inquiries. 







Thank you to all our families who have been reading and responding to your child's learning stories.  It is wonderful to celebrate these moments with you.  Storypark can be accessed via an app for easy use.

Communication Pockets

Your child's communication pocket in the entry of the Centre will hold important notices and items that belong to your child.  Please check on your arrival each day.  Thank you.


We do ask that any forms you send back to the Centre are handed to the educator at the door on your arrival. Please do not leave them in your child's bag as educators support children to unpack their bags and can miss these important documents. Thank you.


Starting Blocks

A great website as a 'go to' for news, advice and updates on the early childhood education and care.