God's Love is Like Sticky Tape?
1 John 4:10
"This is real love - not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins."
We continue to explore God's love at our Whole Centre Worship on Monday mornings. So far we have explored that:
- God is love.
- God's love can not be measured and it goes on and on and on.
- God's love comes into our hearts to fix things when they are broken (sin).
Sin is something that we do not often talk about, but is the thing that separates us from being close to God our Father. The children were very quick to share with us all the 'thumbs down' choices that other people do that might break God's heart and to recognise this as sin. Using some paper red hearts, we ripped them demonstrating what sin does to our relationship with God and wondered what could happen for these hearts to be put back together.
This is when the sticky tape came in. The sticky tape represents Jesus, who was sent to defeat all sin for eternity through his death and resurrection. God's love for us goes beyond anything we could do and when we ask for forgiveness our relationship with God is repaired and fixed.
What a gift to know that real love comes from God and is available to us all!