Deputy Principal's Report






Camps and Outdoor Education

Whilst the nature and content of camps may change as students grow, at Oakleigh Grammar we believe that school camps are an integral part of any student’s learning experience. All students from Years 3 to 12 have the opportunity to attend camp at various locations around Victoria and are exposed to different physical environments, including coastal, mountain, forest, farm and river settings.  


This week our Years 12 and 11 students have been on camp at Queenscliff and Torquay respectively, and many of our Year 9s have been hiking at Wilson’s Promontory.  Last week, Year 5 had a wonderful time away at Phillip Island. 


I would argue there has never been a more important time to get our children away from their screens and into nature. Some of the benefits of school camps and outdoor education include:

  • Peer relationships – Camps provide many opportunities to experience positive interactions with each other outside the classroom, helping to develop new relationships and deepen existing bonds of friendships. There is a lot to be said too of sitting down in a communal dining room and sharing a meal together with friends, especially if you have also had a hand in preparing that meal for others. Sharing accommodation together also teaches children the worth of working together and treating others with respect.
  • Encouraging independence - For some children, a school camp may be the first-time they have an opportunity to begin to take care of themselves, creating responsibilities and managing decisions in a safe and nurturing environment that will see them grow and develop their identity and sense of self. 
  • Screen-free time“Look up and look around” - School camps generally allow for compulsory breaks from access to screens, bringing students back down to earth and being present in their surroundings to appreciate the people and things around them. 
  • Being physically active - The healthy benefits of exercise among children is well researched. At camp, planned activities may include hiking, canoeing, or initiative games, but even just being in an outdoor environment will often inspire children to become more physically active in their day-to-day.
  • New experiences - School camps offer a variety of independent and team-based experiences that the students may not otherwise get to enjoy – abseiling, swimming with dolphins, ziplining, camping in tents etc. The same applies to stretching out of their comfort zones when they challenge themselves to take a risk in a different but safe environment, and this can also help build self-confidence.
  • Spending time in nature – There are many benefits from being exposed to nature for our own mental health, as well as hopefully stimulating a greater sense of responsibility for the environment and living things.

One of the most distinctive memories of school life for any recently graduated student is that of a story from a school camp or tour away from home. I hope that through our outdoor education program, we are providing many positive experiences and opportunities to grow as well as creating fond memories for our students. 


Peter Dickinson

Deputy Principal – Student Wellbeing and Operations



Learning Impact

An excellent education is one of the most essential things we can give ourselves, and the advantages will endure a lifetime, as we are aware here at Oakleigh Grammar. It is a journey that must be started with passion and zeal. We are aware that students who take charge of their education, participate in class discussions, and ask questions when they are unclear, are more likely to succeed academically and acquire important knowledge and skills that will help them in the future. We want our students to succeed, not only academically but also in their future endeavours, and the secret to this success is commitment and diligence.


In all we do, we try to foster a collaborative environment where students, parents, and teachers all work together to succeed and develop. At all levels, it is possible to have a significant impact upon academic progress by fostering strong relationships with our students, their families, and the School. Together, we can build a nurturing environment that encourages a love of learning and a drive for achievement.


While we acknowledge that learning does not only occur in the classroom, the basis of our teaching and learning program is the creation of a strong educational community that fosters academic success, personal development, and lifelong learning. We are all urged to remain focused and involved as we begin this new semester and as we look forward to a successful school year.


Lance Ryan

Deputy Principal – Teaching and Learning