







Oakleigh Grammar students had the opportunity to celebrate International Day of Greek Language early in February.


International Greek Language Day is celebrated annually every February 9. The day also honours the memory of the Greek national poet Dionysios Solomos, who wrote Greece’s national anthem ”Hymn to Liberty (Ύμνος εις την Ελευθερίαν).


International Greek Language Day, officially launched in 2017, highlights the extraordinary role that the Greek language has played in the global development of literacy, science, philosophy and culture.


Greek remains a language which greatly enriches international scientific discourse. More than any other tongue, it is the language which developed, shaped and expressed most of the scientific theories, philosophical thoughts, and literature in most of the modern-day languages of the Western world.


A research has shown that Greek is a language which has been spoken for forty centuries without interruption. It has also been written in the same way, using the same alphabet, for 28 centuries, and it has held on to the same spelling rules for 24 centuries.


While Greek remains a language which is native to a mere 13 million people worldwide, its influence and contributions to the entire world are unparalleled. Native speakers of the Greek language who visit countries and peoples well beyond Europe have realised that the languages they hear there use words and phrases, as well as grammatical and syntax rules, derive directly from the Greek language itself.


Junior School Oakleigh Grammar students participated in a variety of activities including singing, games, puppetry and presentations. Students in Middle and Senior Greek classes discussed in more detail the great value of learning such a beautiful and rich language.  Students were surprised to find out that English language uses many Greek and Latin roots, stems, and prefixes!


Happy International Greek National Day!


Natasha Spanos

Hellenic Culture Coordinator










Annual School Blessing 

With joy, the Students, Teachers and Board Members of Oakleigh Grammar School, gathered for the Annual Blessing of Waters at the commencement of the New Academic Year. 


The service was conducted by His Grace Bishop Kyriakos of Sozopolis, Archepiscopal Vicar of the District of Melbourne. His Grace was supported by the School Chaplain, Fr Stavros Kakavas, together with the Very Reverend Fr Kyrillos Zisis and Fr George Adamakis, clergy of the District of Melbourne. The students of the school Byzantine Choir chanted the service beautifully, whilst teachers, students and members of the School Board followed with deep reverence.


In his address to the School Community, His Grace reminded students and teachers of the importance of their calling, and to fulfil this calling with care and diligence. His Grace, encouraged students to apply themselves to their studies and in so doing not seeking what the world can do for them but what they can do to make the world a better place.


Following the service His Grace had morning tea with the Principal, Mr Mark Robertson, members of the clergy and of The Board. 


We look forward to sharing many more moments with His Grace and he knows that he is always welcome in our School.


Dean Damatopoulos

Orthodox Christian Studies Leader