Digital Technology News

This week I have been working with classes across the school to set students up with their Class Dojo accounts. Parents should have by now received an email invitation to connect to their child's account.

I have also been teaching the students how to use the various tools in the program to share the learning on the platform. Students will be able to share photos, videos, written and audio reflections and examples of their classwork.


If you are yet to receive an invite to join your students account, please let me know and I will be able to send one out.


Kind regards,

Matthew Mooney



As part of setting up the year in our Digitial Technology classes, we have been engaging in the Inform and Empower online webinars. These sessions have focused on the program's keystone concepts for online safety, being:

Kind, Brave, Aware & Clever

Please refer to the parent sheets below which contain some great conversation points that you can follow up with your children at home.