Deputy Principal's Report

The 2023 National Assessment Program—Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) tests will be administered to students at St Cecilia's in Years 3, 5 from

Wednesday 15 March, to Monday 20 March.


The schedule for the assessments will be as follows:

Wednesday  March 15 - Writing

Thursday March 16 - Reading and Conventions of Langauge

Friday March 17 - Numeracy

Monday March 20 - Catch up / Make up Assessments


If for some reason a student is away for all of the dates above, we do have some further catch up dates available to us.


The NAPLAN assessments are one of a number of tools that help us monitor and improve the teaching and learning at St Cecilia's. The students will be encouraged to do their best so that as individuals and as a school we have as accurate a picture as possible about achievement levels.


We also stress to the students however that the NAPLAN is just one of many ways and opportunities they have to demonstrate their learning.


If you have any concerns or queries about NAPLAN, please don't hestitate to get in contact with the school.


You might also find the following resources helpful in describing more fully the nature and purpose of NAPLAN. 



Kind regards,


Matthew Mooney


Deputy Principal