Physical Education News

Welcome back to another year of Sport and Physical Education (PE) at St Cecilia’s. The tradition of participation and team spirit here at our School has been evident already; lot’s of excitement around the talk of events and sporting activities. From PMP and movement sequences in Foundation classes to tactical concepts in senior lessons during Invasion Games like Basketball, it has been a very active start to the year! There's plenty more to come: Lacrosse clinics Years 3-6, AFL clinics Years F to 6 and Life Saving Victoria workshops Year 1-4!



Participation is key in PE lessons, helping to foster a love of movement, activity and personal physical challenge. The motor skills learnt are transferred across multiple sports, as well as into the classroom! It is true; Sport and PE do help to make you learn better! It also helps to develop teamwork, perseverance and reflection - qualities that are embodied here at our school. It has been wonderful to see so many students playing sport in the yard; skipping with ropes, kicking the footy, dribbling the basketball and bowling the cricket balls. Keep looking after our equipment as well as you have been so far this year.


District and House Events:

There are also many opportunities for those who flourish in the competitive environment and we congratulate the District Swimming Team who competed this week. We are sure they could sense you were cheering the team on from school; it certainly worked as St Cecilia’s won the aggregate award! This means, our school scored the most points based on how many students we have (per capita!) Training sessions paid off -they were well attended and we look forward to offering this again before next year's competition. All Years 2-5 students who are inspired by this year's team are encouraged to build their swimming up throughout the year! Thank you to the parent helpers who have offered their assistance, particularly Liz Reed for coaching the team. Mrs Galgani has done an amazing job as well. 


Later this term, Cross Country will become our focus. We will introduce Running Club again for Years 3 to 6 before school in the lead up to our House Cross Country Event on May 2nd to be held at Nettleton Park. Stay tuned for more details and permission forms. In the meantime, you can practise running the course at Nettleton Park anytime you like - if you would like the map, please email Mrs Aldcroft.


Melbourne Football Club visit:

On Wednesday afternoon, St Cecilia’s hosted Melbourne Football Club and some of it’s players. Jack Viney, Michael Hibberd, Charlie Spargo, Kyah Farris-White and Kye Turner answered questions posed to them by the Year 4-6 students and gave us a wonderful insight into the life of a football player. They also talked about facing adversity and challenges, the benefits of working hard for something you really want to achieve and to always look after and support your team mates; very important messages for all to hear. Mrs Aikman and Mrs Everitt were particularly chuffed at the MFC visiting, as were some of the youngest supporters, like Louis in Foundation, who only just came up to the waist of Kyah! The excitement is building now for the start of the footy season and we are looking forward to AFL clinics at the end of term for all year levels.


Team Vic Elite Pathways: 

All information for Team Vic representative teams can be found at for others who play at an elite level. Parents must contact both Mrs Aldcroft and Mr McKenna prior to applying online for any trials, providing achievements and teams played in. Please be aware that all applicants must be of an elite/representative team standard currently and be aware the school can only endorse a limited number of participants.




We look forward to welcoming families throughout the year to the different events we will be hosting, and of course, we always encourage involvement and help when you are available.



Katherine Aldcroft (PE Teacher)