Grade Bulletin - Term Two, 2023

Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Primary School provides a range of holistic learning experiences to enable students to:

  • Participate in the life and mission of the school.
  • Deepen their knowledge and engagement with the Catholic faith and tradition.
  • Build capacity to continuously reason, reflectively, logically and critically.
  • Embrace interdependence of human existence as global citizens, who are responsible to and for themselves and others.
  • Engage in learning in a multitude of ways, through personalised and self-paced learning.

Religious Education

Easter: A time of hope in the risen Lord.

This unit explores the disciples’ experience of the Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus. As we die with Christ, we rise with Christ also. The unit teaches us about hope in everlasting life. It explores the feast days, scripture and prayers that express and celebrate our belief in everlasting life.



This unit revisits the Pentecost experience in the Scriptures and further prepares the students to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. It explores the symbols and rituals, the liturgical structure and theology and takes a closer look at our journey with Christ through the sacraments from Baptism to Confirmation. This unit also explores the important role of the Saints and Martyrs in our Catholic faith.


Please note the dates for the Sacrament of Confirmation: Saturday 18th June at 12 pm and 2:30 pm 


Students will study a range of texts that relate to the concept of ‘Courage’. Students will engage in modelled, shared and independent tasks relating to reading and viewing, writing and representing, responding and composing and speaking and listening. Students will also be taught explicit skills in relation to grammar, punctuation and vocabulary. 


Students will be following the Soundwaves spelling program and will have the opportunity to revise their spelling skills using the online component of the program.


At home, you can assist your child by:

  • Assisting them in proofreading their homework;
  • Promoting neat and careful presentation of work;
  • Correcting their oral language when needed;
  • Assisting them to broaden their vocabulary and
  • Comprehension skills through discussing current affairs;
  • Encouraging reading for enjoyment every day.
  • Encouraging the development of their SMART goals

Please ensure your child has suitable reading material to bring to school for silent reading.


This term in Mathematics we will be developing the students' Whole Number skills specifically focusing on decimals and fractions and patterns and algebra. In measurement and geometry, students will continue to develop their understanding of volume and capacity, two- dimensional shapes, time and mass. 

Science and Technology

During Term 2, students will continue exploring the Earth’s place in the solar system. Looking at the changes on the earth's surface caused by natural disasters and the exploration of how these may be mitigated. It will further develop students’ understanding of the Earth, its position in the solar system and as a dynamic part of a complex, interrelated system.


This term students in Kindergarten to Year 6 will continue to participate in the Chinese language program called the Meg Language Program. The Meg Curriculum is written by the co-author of the Australian Curriculum. All students and teachers will participate in the digital learning platform via Zoom weekly sessions with educators in China.


Students will continue to explore countries of the Asia region and the connections Australia has with other countries across the world. Students learn about the diversity of the world’s people, including the indigenous peoples of other countries. Similarities, differences and the importance of intercultural understanding will also be explored.

Amadeus Music Program

Students will continue with the Amadeus Music Education Program and participate in activities in listening, performing and organising sound within their regular Classroom Music lessons. 

  • It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that they:
    • Arrive on time for each lesson
    • Bring their instrument and required accessories to every lesson  If your child forgets their instrument, they will not miss their music lesson. Please do not drop forgotten instruments to school during the day.
    • Bring their Essential Elements* music book
    • Bring a lead pencil and eraser

During Music lessons, children will engage in activities to develop 

  • Duration
  • Pitch
  • Style
  • Structure
  • Tempo 
  • Tone Colour

Creative Arts

  • In Visual Art, the students will be basing their work on the unit of ‘Courage’. Various mediums will be used to further develop this concept.

Personal Development, Health and Physical Education

The Stage 3 PDHPE Program is aimed at providing opportunities for students to develop their skills and build confidence in Athletics activities using Fundamental Movement Skills. This will assist students in preparation for the Athletics Carnival. In Stage 3, students should be consolidating and/or proficient in specific athletics Fundamental Movement Skills. 


Students will continue to engage in our new Wellbeing program. Open Parachute aims to provide practical support on mental health to students. The program aims to reduce stigma and generate authentic dialogue in classrooms about the real issues students face. The psychological skills-building exercises aim to increase empathy, self-compassion, self-awareness, mental health literacy, and self-efficacy in students.


This week students received their new homework for Term 2. The homework grid clearly outlines the tasks that students are expected to complete each week. The students have been made aware of the expectations around the presentation and delivery of their homework. Homework is due each Monday. If your child is unable to complete their homework, please communicate this to their classroom teacher. 


It is an expectation that your child is bringing their diary with them to school every day. The diary is a means of communication between home and school, a record of their nightly reading and a useful tool to remind them of important dates.



  • Inter School Sport- Soccer
    Week 3 (19th May), Week 4 (16th May) and Week 5 (23rd May)
  • School Photos - Wednesday 3rd of May - Full winter school uniform to be worn
  • Sports Carnival- Thursday 11th of May 
  • RE Trial Test - Tuesday May 16th - in the morning (am)
  • Sacrament of Confirmation - 18th June 12 pm and 2.30 pm

Graduation Information - Save the date: 

  • End of Year Graduation Evening - 8th December 2023 details will follow
  • Graduation Mass- Tuesday 12th December, 2023 at 12.00 pm 

We look forward to working with you and your child this term. If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher via a note or by appointment via the office. 


Mrs Amanda Stewart and Mrs Erin Wing (6 Blue)

Miss Tayla Ingram (6 Gold)

Mrs Cheryl Ross and Mrs Drazena Prsa (6 White)


School Term - 26th April - 30 June 2023

Parent calendar available at this link