School Wide Positive Behaviour Supports - SWPBS

SWPBS – An evidence based framework

School-wide positive behaviour support (SWPBS) is a framework that brings together school communities to develop positive, safe, supportive learning cultures.


SWPBS assists schools to improve social, emotional, behavioural and academic outcomes for children and young people.


Systems, Data, Practices and Outcomes for Student Social and Academic Improvement


The way schools operate are their foundational systems. In SWPBS, these systems support accurate, durable implementation of practices and the effective use of data to achieve better outcomes. When it comes to systems, ask yourself: What can we do to sustain this over the long haul?


Schools generate multiple pieces of data about students every day. Within the SWPBS framework, schools use data to select, monitor and evaluate outcomes, practices, and systems across all three tiers. When it comes to data, ask yourself: What information do we need to make effective decisions?


Our data is collected through compass, staff enter positive, minor and major chronicles over the course of a 4 week cycle.  Each compass chronicle made, parents and carers should receive a sms / text message alerting them to check compass.  After a 4 week cycle is completed the SWPBS Team analyse the data and make decisions to further improve student outcomes.  The expected behaviours least achieved become the focus behaviours for the next 4 week cycle, GOTCHA cards are only issued to focus behaviours.



Key to improving outcomes are the strategies to support students at every level. In SWPBS, these interventions and strategies are backed by research to target the outcomes schools want to see. When it comes to practices, ask yourself: How will we reach our goals?



The outcomes from SWPBS are what schools achieve through the data, systems, and practices they put in place. Families, students, and school personnel set goals and work together to see them through. In SWPBS, outcomes might be improved student behaviour, or fewer office discipline referrals. When it comes to outcomes, ask yourself: What is important to each learning community?



Here is the link: