Stay in touch

Communications with NHS
This newsletter (published fortnightly) will be your first point of call for all NHS news and dates. The first full edition will be published in Week 2. A link is sent via Compass Newsfeed and is also accessible via the website. You can also subscribe to the newsletter to receive it directly to your email inbox.
Compass portal
All student absences must be approved by parents on the Compass portal (also accessible via the website and the Compass app on a smartphone). You can also make payments, check attendance and access semester reports and learning behaviour feedback (GPA) on Compass.
Reminders about upcoming events and activities may also be sent via Compass Newsfeed. Turn on 'notifications' in your smartphone app to be alerted to these as they arrive.
myNorthcoteHigh is the NHS online learning portal where you can see what your child is learning and view important assessment dates and feedback. This is also accessible via the website and from Compass. Daily student information (for example, co-curricular opportunities) is also posted here.
Coming home soon
Look out for goodies in the schoolbags! The Student Planner and a fridge magnet with key dates will be distributed to students in the first week's Connect sessions. As well as being an important tool to assist your child with planning their work, the planner contains study tips and useful information about our school processes and policies. Check with your child - and then their Tutor - if these items do not come home.