Building NHS

Campus Redevelopment Project
Exciting progress is being made on our Campus Redevelopment project, which will see Northcote continue to grow as an inspiring and vibrant learning environment. We have commenced work for the Art and Design Hub, due for completion May 2017. Planning is in train for the Performance Hub which we hope to begin this May, with completion in May 2018. Holidays projects also include the commissioning of a new relocatable building ‘Merriviews’ on the banks of the Merri Creek (completion week 3 of term). Further projects include the upgrading of Merri Park in partnership with the Darebin Council, the building of two new netball courts in Semester 1 (State Government initiative) and the preparation of a feasibility study and business case for ‘The Stadium’ two courts, which forms part of the school’s campus masterplan.
This has been made possible in part thanks to the generosity of the NHS community. Thank you for your ongoing support.