Message from the Assistant Principal

Kristy Hannan-Cuthbertson

A Lot has been happening with facilities and grounds over the break. Here’s a snapshot for everyone.



New house logos have been placed on the windows at the back of the admin block.








The accessible building program is almost complete.










Garden edging has been installed.











The drain beside the oval has been removed.











Solar panels have been installed on the gym roof – Yipee!!!!!! OGPS were particularly excited to receive a grant for this project. Thank you to the School Council Sustainability  Sub Committee for all your support





Doors have been installed in the SLC to enable closing off classrooms when necessary.












Our beautiful plaque has been placed in the foyer entrance.










The PA/speaker system has been upgraded and new speakers installed in the SLC, student toilet block and facing the oval. No excuses for being late to class now kids!
















Stay tuned for more updates folks.

