PBS Update


The purpose of the MDHS WA PBS Leadership Team is to create a school family.  

Our family is clear about how to behave so we can all belong, feel safe, achieve, and show we care.

The MDHS Leadership Team consists of Mrs Rebecca Clarke (Team Leader), Allison Nixon, Sarah Moug, Zoe Bolt, Peta Watson, Lara Ballantyne, Bruce Gibson, Matt Baltovich, Nola Comerford Smith (Community Member), Tim Goulter and Lara Ballantyne.

The PBS Team have consulted with all staff, students and parents (via confidential surveys) to ascertain the behaviours we see, we do, we hear about and what we want to see more of at MDHS.   We have also reviewed the school expectations and values and the acronym of CARE has been agreed upon. At Mukinbudin District High School, we CARE.

  • Citizenship
  • Achievement
  • Respect
  • Engagement

There is a PBS CARE Poster Competition for families to be involved in over the holidays. This is on Connect and the eldest in each family has received a hard copy of the requirements for the poster.  We would love to see your designs at the start of Term 2.

If you have any queries about PBS, please don't hesitate to speak to one of the Team Members.