School News
Teddy Bears Picnic
Last Thursday our Kindy/PP & Year 1/2 students and family were treated to a fun morning of Teddy Bear-inspired activities and crafts. The children loved getting their family involved in each activity and enjoyed getting their photo taken at the 'Photo Booth'. The students combined for lunch in the K/PP area, where they ate with their parents and family and favourite 'bear'!
Farewell Mr Shan
Today we say farewell to Mr Shan, who has been with us for Term 1 from the Department of Education's Flying Squad. Mr Shan used his talents teaching Secondary Maths, Primary Digital Tech and showing off his amazing cooking abilities in Secondary electives! It has been a pleasure having Mr Shan at the school with us, and we wish him all the best with his future endeavours.
Year 5/6 March Munch
As part of their March Munch (a Crunch n Sip initiative to encourage kids to eat more veggies) the Year 5/6 students aimed to bring something unusual each week in a different colour vegetable. There were prizes for students who pushed themselves outside of their comfort zone and tried new things.
Week 1 - Red (red onion, red capsicum, red chilli, beetroot and tomatoes)
Week 2 - Yellow (squash, spaghetti squash, yellow capsicum, corn)
Week 3 - Green (celery, leek, broccolini, spinach, peas, cucumber, spring onion, green capsicum)