Secondary 9/10

A Message From the Secondary 9/10 Team
Highlights and Achievements for Term 1
The students and staff of Secondary 9/10 are to be commended for their resilience this term. With a short-lived return to remote learning and a change of teachers within the section, our students have settled in very well.
As a section we welcomed new teachers to the school and can see the positive impact these members have had in our classrooms and across the cohort.
Literacy this term in Secondary 9/10, students have explored persuasive text types and investigating ways to build a convincing argument, claim or assertion using evidence to support. Students began the term analysing and critiquing the effectiveness of different techniques to assist in persuading their peers to vote for them as SRC reps. Using their experience students then transferred that knowledge to build persuasive pieces to impact and change the opinions of their community. Students created advertisements, news reports, essays, songs, short clips and letters to persuade their intended audiences to make change on a current world issue.
Numeracy across the section has focused on place value, data collection, representation and interpretation, addition and subtraction and counting. Where we can, we have continued to connect our learning to the real world, linking meaningful and student driven tasks to promote engagement within our classroom
Our students have worked from their point of need with strategies in number, these were identified in our start up programs.
Integrated both units have had great starts and students have been very engaged in their learning.
In 9/10A-G, students have been investigating what it means to be an effective democratic citizen in Australia. Students have been researching Australian government, law making and democratic rights of groups within our Australian Community.
In 9/10H and 9/10I team have been exploring teamwork with in the classroom and as the community as the whole. This led them on some exciting adventures including visiting the local shops, exploring the CBD through an amazing race, a teambuilding workshop and put all their learning into action by organising a class celebration.
STEAM across the section, students have been applying meaningful math's, science, and technology content to solve real-world problems through hands-on learning activities and creative design.
Students have participated in a range of subjects designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in the 21st century, including Kite-making, Marble Run, Architecture, Kitchen Science, Stop Motion Design, Digital Design and Urban Art.
Fit For Life continues to be a highlight with students working together to supports students to make decisions about their health, wellbeing, safety and participation in physical activity.
Students have participated in a range of activities designed to keep students active, promote healthy lifestyles, build interpersonal skills and work effectively teams, including Dance, Ten Pin Bowling, Gym, Mini-golf, Basketball and Gaga.
Our Interschool Sports team has represented the school showcasing their skills and sportsmanship in T-Ball, Tennis and Cricket.
Thank you for your continued support. This term has certainly been memorable and one that we could not have enjoyed as much without all of you.
Chris Malane
Team Leader