
HSC Minimum Standards Testing – Year 10 2021

The current Year 10 cohort are expected to demonstrate achievement of the HSC Minimum Standards in Reading, Writing and Numeracy by completing three online tests set by NESA. From 2018, achievement of the minimum standard is no longer tied to NAPLAN and instead, must be demonstrated through achieving a Level 3 or 4 on a separate set of short online examinations.


At the end of last Term, I briefed Year 10 students on the nature of the tests and how and when these tests will be administered. The boys also received information about the installation of the lockdown browser, a technical requirement for the completion of the online tests. A link to this presentation is provided here for parents. The presentation also contains additional resources modelling expectations for achieving the minimum standard in the Writing test.


All students will sit the NESA tests online on Friday 14 May. Students who do not demonstrate achievement of the standards with this first opportunity will receive additional targeted support, with additional opportunities to sit the online tests in Terms 3 and 4 as needed.


Please consult the NESA website for further information about the HSC Minimum Standards Tests or What to Expect in the Tests. Parents are welcome to contact me here at the College should you have any queries or concerns about the process.


Denise Lombardo

Director of Learning and Innovation