General Information (1 of 2) 


BOOM Day kicks off for the first time next week on Thursday, 24 Feb.

The theme is SUMMER FUN. Students can dress in a LOUD shirt with their formal or sports uniform.

There will be Activities for Kinder, Water Games for Junior School, Sandcastle building for Middle School and Ultimate Frisbee for Senior School during the day. So come ready to join in the FUN as we farewell SUMMER.

“From the rising of the sun to its going down, The Lord’s name is to be praised.” (Psalm 113:3)

NAPLAN 2022 - YEAR 3, 5, 

7 & 9

We would like to inform families that the NAPLAN testing window will commence in early May.  NAPLAN will be held online again this year. More details to come regarding the exact timetable shortly.  More information in relation to NAPLAN testing can be found here.


Thank you

We want to take this opportunity to sincerely thank families for advising us of covid positive cases and household contacts. We are glad we don't have to send entire classes home, but we know there is still an additional burden on families when someone in the house tests positive. We understand that there is some stigma attached to covid, but we want people to feel like they can report their results to us without feeling stigmatised.


Covid emails

The School will continue to send out details of covid cases and household cases in each class as a daily evening email. These emails will cover the numbers that have recently been reported. These reports will relate to attendance prior to the day of the report. In some cases, this may be one day, in other cases multiple days. 






Rapid Antigen Test Distribution

Families would have recently received their Rapid Antigen Tests for Weeks 3 and 4. Distribution is limited to one pack per student. Where children live in more than one household, families are asked to ensure the tests are shared across both households.  

Families who have not yet collected can still do so by visiting our Student Services Window, between Reception and the DC.


Surveillance Testing

Delivery #2 contained a box of 5 tests per student. The suggested testing was for twice per week, meaning this allocation is sufficient for an additional two weeks, depending on the days of the week you are choosing to test.

Students who have tested positive for COVID-19, have completed their 7-day isolation period and are subsequently asymptomatic do not need to undertake surveillance testing for 30 days. 


Students Who Test Positive

If your child tests positive, please advise the school as soon as possible (24 hours a day) via with the day that they tested positive. They will need to isolate for 7 days. Your child will not be required to get a follow up PCR test.

Positive results should also be reported via or by calling 1800 675 398. Reporting your result ensures that support can be provided to you.

Negative tests do not need to be reported.


Extra Help 

The Government has tips on what to do if you are managing COVID at home. For further information, please click here.


For families interested in OSHC care at BHCS there will be virtual information sessions which will provide insight into how OSHC at Camp Australia operates. The team presenting will discuss the programs that are offered, how to register and more. Please see the below attachment for the information for these sessions. 


A opportunity to join our enthusiastic team here at BHCS is on our website!  We're currently looking for:

·   Marketing Assistant (12 month Contract)

Plese read more by visiting

All enquiries about these positions should be directed to


Many families will be wondering what procedures we have in place in case of emergency during the fire season.


BHCS is on the BARR (Bushfire At-Risk Register).  This means the school is required to follow a certain set of guidelines during extreme fire days, and will be closed on days deemed to be Code Red.  This means that on Code Red days, no persons will remain at school and out-of-school care will be cancelled. Please take the time to read through the PDF of the School’s procedures for a Code Red day.

The School has passed the audit that looks at our Emergency Procedures and the maintenance of the school's grounds in relation to fire risk. We also continue to review our emergency procedures on an annual basis to ensure we maximise the safety of our entire school community.

To view the school's procedure in relation to the bushfire season, please see the included PDF.



We are in the process of issuing your annual school fees account. These should arrive via email within the next few weeks, together with the information regarding the commencement of Direct Debit arrangements.

If you have not yet returned your Direct Debit Form, please do so without delay.  Should you have any queries regarding your school account, please contact our Finance Office at


The BHCS Instrumental Tuition Program is kicking off again this year. Private lessons are available in piano, drums, voice, guitar and wind instruments such as flute, clarinet, sax and brass. Lessons run throughout the day and usually last for half an hour. Please use the online application form found in the Parent resources section of the school website, or use the following QR Code.  For further information, contact Mr Darryl Thompson or email


A reminder that hats are a compulsory part of the school’s uniforms during Terms 1 & 4. Hats must be BHCS branded and the type specific to each area of school (eg: Bucket hat in Junior school). All Hats can be purchased from Alinta Uniforms.