The Joy of Giving 

By Lance Davidson (Deputy Principal) 

As my children have gotten older, I have enjoyed seeing them engage with Christmas on a new level. One in which they now select and buy presents for the other members of our family. I have enjoyed seeing how much joy they get from thinking about what someone else might want and then watching as their present is opened and a smile breaks out across not only their sibling’s (or parent’s) face, but also across their own. It has clearly shown me that there is real truth in the saying that ‘it is more blessed to give than receive’.

In reading more about giving I have come across a number of health benefits and reasons why it is good for you:

  1. Giving makes you feel happy – endorphins, ‘good feeling’ chemicals are released
  2. Giving helps reduce stress – which is good for your health
  3. Giving promotes social connection – giving strengthens your ties with others
  4. Giving is contagious – others are inspired to do the same

In a year when our motto is ‘the Faith to Serve’, we want to take the opportunity to teach our students ways in which they can look beyond themselves and to see what they can do for others. Let us start by teaching our children (both at home and at school) about the joy of giving, helping them to think about what they might be able to give to someone else, whether that be a physical gift, time or an encouraging word. 


In looking in the Bible, we find out what God thinks about us when we give generously. ‘Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.’ (1 Corinthians 6:7)