Opening Hours
Secondary Library:
Monday to Friday: (for students in Years 5-12 only) 8.30am to 4:30pm
(for students in Year 4) 8.30am to 3.45pm
Secondary Library open after school
The Secondary Library is open after school for students in Years 7-12 until 4.30pm. Please contact the library ( ) for further details. It would be advisable to contact the library staff if students intend staying, as occasionally the Senior Library is closed due to meetings. Students will be required to sign in and out.
Primary Library:
Students may borrow books after school if they bring a book bag and return the books they have finished reading. Please see staff in the Secondary Library for access and loans.
Welcome Back in 2022
Library staff would like to welcome back all students after the Christmas break. There is plenty to read!
Accelerated Readers (ARs)
Years 4-6 have begun the Accelerated Reader Programme for 2022. Students are encouraged to choose an AR title from the collection, read it and then complete a short quiz to check their reading. These quizzes are available from 8.15 am to 4pm, Monday to Friday and can be completed on an iPad in the classroom or on a laptop or desktop in the Senior Library.
Students have been shown which titles are ARs and where these can be located. ARs can be borrowed before and after school, at recess and at lunchtime. Library staff are happy to help students find ARs, please feel free to ask!
Victorian Premier’s Reading Challenge (VPRC)
The VPRC is open to students in Year 7 and 8 at St Andrews Christian College. Although the Challenge has not yet officially started, students can begin to read books now. VPRC titles have a green stripe on the spine label. To help students reach their target, time has been set aside during English classes each fortnight. This time is spent in the Senior Library.
More information will be once the VPRC officially begins.
Upcoming writing competitions
- Illustration Competition (Wombat Books)
Deadline: April 1st, 2022
Theme: Screen Free Holiday
Ages : 5-18
Cost : Free if a previous illustration challenge book is purchased.
Students are asked to illustrate a page or more of a given text. Winning entries are bound together into a text. Featured illustrators receive two copies of their work.
- CYA Hatchlings competition
Deadline: April 3rd, 2022
Ages: 8-18
Cost: Hatchlings writing and illustrating categories- Free
Entries can be Picture books, illustrated chapter books or text only chapter books.
- Little stories, big ideas
Deadline: April 8th, 2022
Theme: Responsibility
Ages: Years 7-12 (Secondary)
This competition runs four times a year, with a different theme each time. Pieces of 100 words or less (any genre) will be accepted
- Author of Tomorrow
Deadline: April 22nd, 2022
Ages: 11 and under
12- 15 years
16- 21 years
Students need to submit an adventure story
- Future Leaders writing prize
Deadline: May 1st, 2022
Age: Year 11 and 12 students
Submit a piece of writing of between 800 and 1000 words. This can be any topic and either fiction or nonfiction.
- RD Walshe Memorial Writing for the Environment prize
Deadline: June 17th, 2022
Theme: Peace and sustainability
Age: Under 18
The writing must be fictional prose and up to 800 words.
Lynne Marks, Anita Little, Wai Peng Heath
Library Staff