Learning Support at St Andrews
At St Andrews Christian College we believe that all people are formed in the image of our creator God (Genesis 1:27) and that He has made us all different and unique, reflecting the diversity of the Trinity.
God delights in variety and differences, and this is echoed in the whole of creation, where diversity exists in unity. In humans, this is also evident in the variety of physical characteristics, personalities, talents and abilities, backgrounds and interests, understandings and interpretations, strengths, and weaknesses. At St Andrews, we are engaged in the dynamic process of shaping, and being shaped, into responsive disciples reflecting the heart, mind, and life of Christ.
As Christian educators, we are called to meet the needs of ALL students, regardless of abilities. In accepting and celebrating students of diverse abilities, we learn to accommodate the expression of differences. Diversity in abilities brings a richness and blessing to our school community and provides opportunities for us to serve each other. We learn to accept each other, understand and experience how we all fit in and belong to God’s family. This is one of the most important features of community, living as and living in the body of Christ.
We are privileged at St Andrews to have a highly qualified Learning Support team. This team of five teachers and ten Learning Assistants are there to provide additional support to students in a range of areas. This involves intervention, EAL/D and enrichment as required. This year we welcomed Wendy Iau and Kristel Clerke in primary and Debbie Herbert in secondary sections.
As a result of the last two years of Lockdown, we know that student learning has been impacted in different ways. We have expanded the Learning Support team in the primary section to address this need. Learning Support aims to be part of normal practice, supporting the diverse learning needs of students.
Using assessment data along with collaboration with classroom teachers, we have identified students who require additional assistance. We have small groups that will take place weekly throughout the Semester for a variety of purposes, depending on the identified need. Wendy Punay is also withdrawing some students for intervention.
Our secondary team are also working with a range of students with differing learning needs. Most of this work is done within the class setting under the direction of the classroom teacher. We also provide support and guidance for selected students during study periods.
Learning Support is available to work alongside staff, students and parents on the journey of learning and development. This support will look different for each student, depending on the needs of the student and the type of support required. Please feel free to make contact if you have any questions or concerns about your child.
We look forward to partnering with you as we ‘Educate our students so that they are well skilled, understand life on the basis of biblical truth, and are motivated to walk with God and serve Him in their lives, so that they will be a positive Christian influence in the world.’
If you have any questions or concerns about your child, you are always welcome to contact one of the Learning Support teachers:
- Shirley Gillie – Head of Learning Support sgillie@standrews.vic.edu.au
- Wendy Punay – Learning Support Teacher – Primary wpunay@standrews.vic.edu.au
- Kerryn Terrington – Learning Support Teacher – Secondary kterrington@standrews.vic.edu.au
The Learning Support Teachers
Learning and Teaching - 2022
It has been wonderful to see our students back on campus for the start of the new school year and to see them so happily engaging with each other and their teachers.
I have had the privilege of sharing a devotion with most of the Primary School classes and several of the Secondary School classes. The thought which I have shared comes from 1 Corinthians 12: 12 – 27 and, in particular, verse 18 “But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be” and verse 27 “Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.”
I reminded the students how important it is to be thankful for all the wonderful attributes, talents and abilities which God has given them – but also how important it is to appreciate the “other parts of the body” and the gifts and talents they possess.
One of the very special aspects of being in a Christian community at St Andrews is that we can work together and know that God has given each one of us a special part to play in seeing the whole body grow and bring Him glory.
2021 VCE Results Report
We are pleased to be able to report that the Class of 2021 were able to achieve outstanding VCE Results. Congratulations to the College Dux – Niki Wang who achieved an ATAR of 99.25 and to Mandy Feng, Jiapeng Liu, Isabelle Baxter, Jack Moody and Hannah Collis who all achieved an ATAR above 95.
Some of the highlights include:
Median Study Score: 33
22% of students achieved an ATAR above 90 (top 10% in the State)
46% of students achieved an ATAR above 80 (top 20% in the State)
12.3% of Study Scores were above 40
Isabelle Baxter and Andrea Chai obtaining perfect scores of 50 in Further Mathematics and Psychology respectively.
The highest study scores obtained were: 50 – Further Mathematics and Psychology, 49 – Further Mathematics, 48 – Further Mathematics, 47 – English (EAL), Further Mathematics and Psychology, 45 – Further Mathematics and Mathematical Methods, 44 – Chemistry, English (EAL), Health and Human Development and Psychology, 43 – Biology (2) and Further Mathematics, 42 – Biology, Business Management, Physics, Psychology and Theatre Studies, 41 – Biology, Further Mathematics, History – Ancient History and Legal Studies, 40 – Biology, Chemistry, Mathematical Methods, Legal Studies and Physics.
To give some context to what these scores mean; only 2% of students in the State score 45 or higher in each subject, with 8% scoring 40 or higher. At St Andrews, there were 30 study scores over 40 (12.3 %) – it is extremely pleasing to see that students have been able to achieve such high scores.
In 2021, 21 different subjects were offered at Year 12 level across 26 separate classes with a further 15 subjects offered at Year 11 level across 19 separate classes. Given the size of the Year 11 and Year 12 cohorts, this provides an excellent range of subjects for students to select.
The College is committed to providing students with the best possible learning opportunities and currently offer three English classes at each of Year 7, Year 10, Year 11 and Year 12. This effectively reduces the class size and enables teachers to provide students with more individual assistance and feedback.
NAPLAN Online 2022
The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) for Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 students is held in May each year. NAPLAN tests assess student knowledge and skills in Writing, Reading, Conventions of Language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and Numeracy. The results of the tests provide information for students, parents, teachers and principals which can be used to improve student achievement.
In 2018, the NAPLAN tests began transitioning from a paper-based test to an online assessment (i.e., students complete the tests utilising a computer or tablet). It is anticipated that from 2022, all schools in Australia will deliver the tests online. NAPLAN Online delivers numerous benefits including:
- a ‘tailored test’ design that adapts to correct and incorrect student responses providing a more precise understanding of student achievement;
- innovative use of technology, including a more engaging test design and a wider range of item types;
- the extension of the ‘test window’ to two weeks, allowing schools greater opportunity to schedule the tests at times that suit them best and increasing student participation.
As indicated last year, the College has been approved to deliver NAPLAN Online in 2022.
On Thursday 24th March, students in Year 3, 5 ,7 and 9 will participate in a statewide NAPLAN Online practice test so that they can become familiar with the NAPLAN Online format. It will also enable the College to execute a simulated test experience for students and test administrators that is as close as possible to the real NAPLAN Online event. Further details regarding specific arrangements will be provided to parents shortly.
For further domain specific student familiarisation, ACARA has provided a public demonstration website. The suite consists of mini-tests covering all domains for each NAPLAN year level. The demonstration site can be found at: https://nap.edu.au/online-assessment/public-demonstration-site
ICAS Academic Competitions
During Term 4 last year, students across the College participated in the ICAS Academic Competitions. As reported in the Newsletter in November, our students completed 350 tests with a total of 34 High Distinctions (top 1% of all participants), 83 Distinctions (next 10% of participants), 117 Credits (next 25% of participants) and 33 Merits (next 10% of participants).
In 2022 students will, once again, have opportunity to participate in the ICAS Academic Competitions in Digital Technologies, English, Science and Spelling Bee – further details regarding registration will be made available in Term 2.
ICAS Medal Winners
It is my pleasure to announce that two students: Evan Widjaja (Y7 2021) – Spelling Bee and Jayden Yang (Y4 2021) – Science received Medals for achieving the highest score in their year level for the particular subject. This is an outstanding achievement!
Quality Teaching Rounds Project
Earlier this year, I indicated that the College had been successful in its application to participate in a “Quality Teaching Rounds” research project with the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) and the University of Newcastle. The project is open to all Year 8 students and has proved successful in New South Wales where it has been found to improve teaching quality and improve student outcomes in mathematics and reading. The project will be commencing shortly and I look forward to being able to provide progress reports throughout the year.
Mathematical Problem Solving
I recently came across an interesting mathematical problem from “Youcubed” – a centre for Mathematical Education based at Stanford University.
What is the mathematics inside this task?
a) Find the area of each colour
b) Write each area as a fraction
c) What do you notice?
d) What else can you discover?
Parents and students are encouraged to send solutions through to mswanborough@standrews.vic.edu.au.
Solutions will be published next newsletter, with one solution earning the author a voucher at the College Taste n’ See Café.
Michael Swanborough
Deputy Principal - Head of Learning and Teaching