More Ways to Connect
It’s official! Now you have more ways to connect and engage with St Andrews Christian College and feel the pulse of our vibrant College community.
Regular posts will appear across all major social media platforms to help keep you in the loop with everything that’s happening and to tell the world about our wonderful College.
St Andrews Christian College has a unique story to tell about our Christ centred education, our amazing staff and our beautiful students and we need you help us build our online profile and spread the message by following our pages and liking our posts.
Let’s get started by clicking the links below and following our ‘Official’ St Andrews pages.
Linkedin: available Wednesday 9th March.
Peter Friend
Communications & Community Relations Manager
Morning Tea with the Principal
St Andrews Principal, Mrs Catriona Wansbrough, hosted a Morning Tea for parents this past Tuesday at 9:00am at the Taste 'n' See Café. This was a wonderful opportunity for St Andrews families to come along and have a chat with Mrs Wansbrough and receive a coffee/tea or hot chocolate and tasty cake from the café.
ICAS Winners
Students have received their ICAS medals from last year! Congratulations to Matthew Wu, Year 9 – Science and Digital Technologies (not pictured), Evan Widjaja, Year 8 2022 – Spelling Bee & Jayden Yang, Year 5 – Science.
Michael Swanborough
Deputy Principal - Head of Learning and Teaching
Welcome to the Wellbeing Team 2022
The Wellbeing team are excited to share with the St Andrews community their team members for 2022 and the Wellbeing HUB area. We welcome the following:
Lisa Wilks-Beasy (Head of College Wellbeing)
Marina Heading (Secondary School Wellbeing Coordinator)
Sonia Sires (Primary School Wellbeing Coordinator)
Warwick Grant (School Chaplain)
Michelle Stancliffe (Youth Worker).
The Wellbeing team works closely with students and staff to support their wellbeing needs. It has been fantastic to see many students come up and find the new space called the 'Wellbeing HUB’, located up on the library level. The ‘Wellbeing HUB’ is supervised by the Wellbeing team throughout the day and their staff office is located next door. All students are welcome!
At the beginning of the year, here are some ideas to discuss with your child about their Wellbeing:
- Celebrate achievements (however small) and make traditions with your child. Encourage them to recognise all that they have achieved at the beginning of the year (we see so many amazing things happen and there is so much to celebrate!)
- Be aware of the specific topics that your child is studying in each subject. The HUB is a wonderful place to find this information.
- Prioritise cybersafety in your household. There are many parent resources that you can access to ensure that your child is safe online and please talk to the Wellbeing team if you need help with this.
- Natural disasters and world events can be traumatic for children, however there are resources to help you support your child throughout these events.
- Stay connected with your community and reach out if needed. Keep an eye on the HUB for parent sessions/coffee chats/parent prayer sessions and opportunities to connect with St Andrews.
What do you do if you have a specific Wellbeing concern about your child?
Contact your child’s homeroom or classroom teacher or phone reception to speak with a member of the Wellbeing team.
“...I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” – John 10:10
Lisa Wilks-Beasy
Head of Wellbeing
St Andrews Netball club has commenced their Winter netball season at Knox Regional Netball Centre from 26th February until 13th August and we are looking forward to a fun filled and successful season.
Energy to burn? Come and enjoy our program and it's introduction into the wonderful world of Netball! For students who are interested in learning the skills of netball, NetSetGo is Australia's official starter program for girls and boys aged 5-10, so if you are interested registration is now open for the Winter 2022 Woolworths NetSetGo.
Welcome to the World Little One!
Meet the newest addition to the Gaschk family, Olive Louise Gaschk, born 24/2/2022.
She loves to sleep and has brought great joy to the family! Congratulations to Lauren, Daniel, Jacob and Isla!
Calling Netball Parents
If you would like to join the St Andrews Netball Board, please contact Lauren at to express your interest.
Lauren Gaschk
St Andrews Netball Club President
Garden Club News
The St Andrews Garden Club runs every Wednesday at lunchtime for Year 3 students and up.
We plant seeds and seedlings, complete weeding, pick the harvest which is then sold at the end of lunchtime Wednesday for a dollar or two to members of the garden club, teachers and the rest of the school community if there is anything left!
Money collected by the garden club goes back into purchasing soil and seeds as well as 10% of the collections donated to Tearfund at the end of each term's sales.
For all those green thumbs out there we have a student with a keen passion for bonsais and we will soon be starting a Bonsai Club. Any students in Years 3-12 who are interested in joining can can contact me so we can set up a regular time to hold the Bonsai Club.
Also, Clean Up Australia Day is this Sunday the 6th of March. As sustainability coordinator, I would like to encourage the College community to participate in cleaning their neighbourhoods.
Maria Wheelton
Sustainability Coordinator
Parenting Ideas
Have you ever wanted to get some extra support in your parenting or to get some expert advice on topics such as Raising Teenagers, Dealing with Anxiety, Education and Learning, Developing Resilience and more? Through our College subscription to “Parenting Ideas”, parents have access to a range of resources to help them navigate the school years and beyond.
Parenting Ideas are here to help parents successfully raise confident, happy and resilient kids. Over the course of nearly twenty years, they have become one of Australia’s most trusted sources of parenting education and support. You can explore the many resources on offer to help you in your parenting journey by visiting the Parenting Ideas website. Click here
A recent Parenting Ideas Insight article: “How to help your child be a good friend” has some really useful advice to help students build positive relationships at school.
A series of Webinars with highly credentialed parenting experts are scheduled for 2022. These webinars can be attended free of charge (regular value $39).
The first Webinar for 2022 is:
March 23rd 8:00 pm – Building lasting happiness in children: Dr Jodi Richardson
See the attached article below for the link to the Webinar and registration details.
Michael Swanborough
Deputy Principal - Head of Learning and Teaching