Year 3/4 News

Welcome to Term One!


We have had a lovely start to the school year in Year 3/4 and have enjoyed watching the students reconnect with their friends and meet their new classmates and teachers. 

The students are starting to settle into their new daily routines and classroom expectations. 

As a class, each homeroom started off the year by co-constructing a class Acknowledgement of Country. We discussed the importance of acknowledging and respecting the traditional custodians of the land in which we live. See images below. 

Problem Based Learning (PBL)

We have officially begun our new year and with that comes a new topic for PBL. This term the students will be focusing on Health. Over the past few weeks, students have been asked to consider what the term 'healthy' means. They are beginning to delve deeper into understanding the different dimensions of health and what it means to be healthy. 

Here are some photos of the students' role-playing different health scenarios. They practised as a group and then performed their scenario to the class. Classes then had a rich discussion about what was happening that showed good healthy habits and what each character may have been feeling. 

See photos below:


Spelling Tasks: As part of our spelling program in the school, students will be given new spelling words on a weekly basis. Students will select 8 words from the spelling focus list and are asked to practise their individual spelling words nightly (Monday- Thursday).

Year 4 students are required to complete two home spelling activities per week (Task A & B), whereas Year 3 students are required to complete one (one activity from Task A). Spelling homework tasks will be inside the student's spelling homework display folder. Spelling home tasks need to be returned every Friday. 

*Instructions for these tasks are inside your child's spelling homework display folder.


Reading Tasks: 20 minutes of reading per night (at least 4 nights per week). We encourage students to read independently and to a family member. Students will also have opportunities to borrow books from the school library. We encourage students to also visit their local library. 


Diaries: Student diaries are to be brought to and from school each day. Students will record reminders for the week or special events coming up. Students will need to write a short summary of the book that they read (2-3 sentences per night). 

We also ask that students record their home reading in their diaries and that parents have sighted the diary weekly with a signature. Diaries are to be handed in your child's homeroom teacher every Friday.


Maths: There is also an expectation that students will regularly use the My Numeracy and Sunset Maths functions on Essential Assessment.

Week 1 - 4 Learning Intentions

Week 1 - 4 Timetables


  • School Uniform: Full school uniform is required to be worn on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Students are required to wear their Sports Uniform on Wednesday.
  • iPads: iPads need to be brought to school everyday to assist the students with their learning. iPads are taken home each day to be charged and returned to school the following day. Students will require the following free apps on their iPads:

Gmail, Google Drive, Google Sheets, Google Docs, Google Slides, 

Google Classroom and Kahoot. 

  • The Gmail account the school provides is for teaching and learning purposes. Parents & Guardians only need to download the App - the school then sets it up. It is part of the Catholic Education Office commitment to ICT in Catholic Schools. There are filters applied that block inappropriate sites and only allow access to those relevant to learning.

Important Dates

Friday 11th February - Whole School Assembly 

Contact Details


Linda Pham



Belinda Hirschauer 



Kaitlyn McMillan 


Please note, we will respond to emails Monday to Friday, between the hours of 8am- 5pm.