Year 1/2 News

Welcome to Term One!
The Year 1/2 students have had a fabulous start to the year. The students have reconnected with old friends and have started to make new friends. Investigations has definitely been a highlight. The students investigated with such enthusiasm and engaged with one another in their areas of interest.
Below are some photos from Investigations last week:
Meet the Teachers
Miss Frazer - This is my third year teaching at St Raphael's. My favourite parts of the day are being greeted by the children's smiles in the morning and reading them picture books. In my spare time I like being outside with my dog, Zoe, and catching up with friends at restaurants and cafes.
Miss Cavin - This is my first year teaching at St Raphael's. I have previously taught at a school for children with additional needs. I love cooking and trying new recipes as well as taking my two dogs to the beach where they swim and roll in the sand.
Miss Tune - I started teaching at St Raphael's last year when I moved from Adelaide to Melbourne. I have loved getting to know the children and families here at St Raph's. A simple pleasure of mine is a coffee and sweet pastry from my local cafe on a Saturday morning!
Mrs Pizzonia - I have been at St. Raphael's for 6 years, and this is my 5th year sharing a homeroom with Mrs Moloney. I am very excited to be working with all of the 1/2 students this year. In my spare time I like reading and walking my dog Sasha.
Mrs Moloney - I have been teaching at St Raphael's for 15 years and currently share the classroom with Mrs Pizzonia. I enjoy yoga and my favourite cuisine is Japanese! I am looking forward to a fantastic year with all the Year 1/2 students.
Spelling Homework Books
The students will take home their Spelling Homework Books every Monday. This workbook will stay at home for the week and needs to be returned to school every Friday for the teachers to check.
The students will highlight 6 words to practise spelling at the beginning of each week. Please encourage your child to 'say the word' and 'write the word' each night (Monday to Thursday).
If you have any questions about the spelling homework, please contact your child's homeroom teacher.
Specialist lessons for Year 1/2 are every Tuesday. Students must wear sports uniform on this day.
Please ensure your child's belongings (hats, jumpers, lunchboxes, drink bottles) are clearly labelled.
All students must bring a hat to school every day.
Important Dates
Whole School Assembly - Friday 11th February
Learning Intentions
Contact Details
Jackie Moloney
Melanie Pizzonia
Paige Frazer
Phoebe Tune
Georgia Cavin
Please note, we will respond to emails Monday to Friday, between the hours of 8am- 5pm