Library News

Happy New Year and Welcome back
Our school library offers resources and services to staff and students to create opportunities for learning and to support literacy and education in alignment with our curriculum. We stock a wide variety of Fiction and Non Fiction books and resources to enrich student reading experiences and develop independent reading skills.
Library borrowing commences later this week.
Students are able to borrow 2 books for a period of 2 weeks. Novels can be renewed for longer periods.
Library bags are required for Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 and are highly recommended for Years 3-6.
Library Overdue Books
Can all overdue school library books please be returned to school as soon as possible. There are currently 230 books overdue from 2021. There are also another 112 overdue books from prior years.
Please have a look at home.
Thank you
Victorian Premiers' Reading Challenge 2021
The certificates have arrived from last year's Victorian Premiers' Reading Challenge.
They will be given out at the next assembly on Friday 11th February.
Congratulations again to all the participants in the challenge. All participants will be published in the next newsletter.
Victorian Premiers' Reading Challenge 2022
The Victorian Premiers' Reading Challenge is a great way to help your child read and gain confidence. The Challenge encourages children and students from birth to Year 10 to read a set number of books over the year and record their efforts online. Students can read or listen to the books.
Everyone who completes the Challenge will receive a Certificate of Achievement from the Premier of Victoria, The Hon Daniel Andrews MP.
Premier Reading Challenge books are available in our school library.
The 2022 Victorian Premiers' Reading Challenge will commence in a few weeks time.
Start keeping a record of all books read from the 1st February, 2022.
If you wish for your child to enter the Challenge, please email me with their details:
Name, Class, Year level and Contact email address. Log in details will then be forwarded.
Contact details
Maria De Cata
Resource Officer/Education Support