Information Technology @ St. Raphael's.

Shane Giese

While online at St Raphael’s Primary School, we are committed to ensuring the children in our care have the safest digital learning environments. We now live in a rapidly evolving digital world where communication and information is readily accessible online using a variety of technologies and tools.

Google Classroom

Google Classroom is one digital tool we are using at St. Raphael's in Years 3 - 6.  This online tool enables the teachers and students to have a virtual link to one another, and a platform to outline tasks that the students need to complete for the day. Teachers can also provide any other information that isn't necessary for Skoolbag or the fortnightly newsletter. 

For parents in Years 3/6 - Google Classroom also gives you another opportunity to see what your child is completing day-to-day.  We ask you to please sit down with your child and talk to them about all of their wonderful learning that is posted via Google Classroom (including timetables, clinics, PST's). 

Furthermore, the Google Classroom is also an opportunity where you can see your child's work they upload (when asked to do so), and any comments that their teachers have given them. 

ICT User Agreement, Policy and Photo Permission Forms

Over the past week, we have been making critical and up-to-date amendments to our ICT policies, protocols and forms for this year.  We recognise how quickly the digital world is evolving, and we want to ensure that all teachers, students and families are supported and educated through this.  We will send the ICT User Agreement and Policy out via Operoo. A notice will be sent via Skoolbag to let you know in the coming days.It is a requirement that all students in Foundation to Year 6 sign the agreement. Please ensure that you sit down with your child and become aware with the responsible use of ICT both at school, and whenever technology is used, and their responsibilities while online both at school and at home. 


St. Raphael’s is an accredited eSmart school. This is a whole school program designed in conjunction with the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) and The Alannah and Madeline Foundation for Australian schools. It is a comprehensive Cyber Safety Program in which students will be expected to meet guidelines. This program continues to develop throughout the year. 


ICT Support

Please email Shane Giese at: