Year 5/6 News

Wominjeka, Buongiorno, Welcome!
The 5/6 students have had a wonderful start to this term. The Year 6 students have shown leadership in supporting their Foundation buddies and the Year 5's have adjusted well to the routines of Year 5/6. We have reintroduced the 'Launch, Explore, Summarise' model for Maths where students are encouraged to think deeply about open ended questions and share their thinking. We approached a Harry Potter themed question which challenged their mathematical thinking. We have also attempted a question about Despicable Me and a shrunken toilet to explore the idea of scale and measurement. It was great to see the students’ resourcefulness to find creative and unique ways to solve the problem.
During Literacy we have explored persuasive texts and have had many interesting discussions and debates about their preferences eg. Summer or Winter, City or Country, main meals or dessert. Students had to justify their opinions. We read and analysed texts which argued that television is educational, of course not all students agreed; and we engaged in discussion to find a balanced view. Students have begun to explore different planning models for a persuasive text so they can find one that works for them.
Students have been exploring the idea of scarcity in economics. As a part of our business unit this term, the 5/6’s have looked at needs and wants to link this to why scarcity drives prices up or down. They also continued to explore collaborative group work, exploring scarcity, Maths and problem-solving by creating the tallest tower from a finite number of marshmellow and spaghetti pieces!
Each week the students are expected to complete four Spelling tasks at home as well as reading 4-5 nights a week. There is also an expectation that students will regularly use the My Numeracy and Sunset Maths functions on Essential Assessment.
It is also really important that each student attends every day with a fully charged device.
A friendly reminder that Year 6 Jumpers are only to be worn with the Sports Uniform.
For this term, students are expected to wear their sports uniform on Thursdays. Full school uniform is required on all other days.
Learning Intentions
Please find attached our Learning Intentions for the current and upcoming fortnights. We encourage you to discuss some of these focuses with your child.
Important Dates
Parent/Child Confirmation Night - Feb 24
Confirmation Mass - March 19
Staff Contacts
Annie Dullard
Maxwell Allan
Emma Sbizzirri
Matt Vernal
Shane Giese
Please note, we will respond to emails Monday to Friday, between the hours of 8am-5pm.