1/2 T

There's been lots going on in 12T over the past couple of weeks. 

We have continued to get to know each other and 

learn new and interesting things about our classmates.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

We listened to the story of the Very Hungry Caterpillar and learnt that stories have a structure - a beginning, a middle and an end.  

We identified what happened at each stage, sequenced the events in the story in order and even wrote our very own caterpillar based stories. 


We also used the story as the basis for our maths unit, where we collected, sorted and displayed data - using tally marks, tables, pictures, objects and even column graphs!  

We have been very successful at collecting and displaying data in different ways, so next we are posing our own question, surveying our classmates, making a display of the data we collect and then explaining what the data shows. 


The Lost Sheep

During our Education in Faith lessons, we have heard the parable of The Lost Sheep.

We have been discussing that parables are stories that Jesus told 

to give us special messages in interesting ways. 

We have talked, drawn and written about the messages Jesus is teaching us through this story, such as caring for everyone, not leaving anyone behind and 

making sure everyone is included.  


Changes in Materials

We have also been investigating the types of materials different things are made of and 

whether or not we can change them.  

We did some mixing and kneading to change flour, oil, salt, water and food colouring into playdough. Next we changed the playdough by rolling, stretching, twisting, bending and folding.