Deputy Principal, Wellbeing 

Pastoral Care

On TRAK: Teaching resilience, academic consistency and kindness


On TRAK is a new program designed to support students who need direction to get back on track in terms of academic performance or respectful behaviour in the College.


Students who are recommended for an On Trak session will work in the Da Vinci Room on a Thursday afternoon from 3:45pm-5:00pm. Class Teachers and Mentors will monitor student behaviour and academic progress and will alert the Head of House and parent if issues arise. 


The On Trak session is supervised and may involve a discussion with the Head of House, Head of Middle Years or Senior Years. The time will be used for the completion of an academic task that is outstanding or a written reflection task on behaviour.


If a student has more than two On Trak sessions in the term, families will be contacted so the school and family can work in partnership to help modify behaviour. 


On TRAK process:

Step 1: Conversation and document in Student Record book

Step 2: Incident noted in Behavioural Tracking on SIMON. Mentor and Head of House alerted. Parent contacted.

Step 3: Mentor and HOH discussion for an On TRAK. Parent contacted and letter issued.


School Photos

School Photos 2022 – POSTPONED

Unfortunately, Athur Reed photographers have become close contacts and are now in Covid isolation.  This means that we need to reschedule the dates of our Senior School, Junior School and Generational photos.


As soon as we have the new dates booked in, we will share this information.


Miss Kristen Waldron

Deputy Principal Wellbeing 

Standing Tall

I’m happy to be facilitating the School’s Standing Tall in Hamilton: school based mentoring program again in 2022.

We had 4 students involved in the program in 2021 with fantastic outcomes such as: relationship and rapport building with their mentors and improvements in behaviour and social skills in the classroom and the yard.  


If you would like to know more about the Standing Tall program OR to be a mentor (1 hour a week visiting a young person in a school) find out more here:


The students will meet their mentor on a THURSDAY lunchtime, 1-1:45pm in the Davinci Room for a chat, games or maybe a structured activity. 

The program will re-commence for 2022 on Thursday 24th February. 


We are seeking some board games or card games to add to our Standing Tall activity box. If you have any old games lying around, please contact me at school! 



Kate Couchman

Student Counsellor