
Back to school 

Back to School

We are thrilled to welcome all of children back this week. They are settling in very well. I hope you all had a wonderful break over the holidays. 

As the children settle back in please ask them about their day and give them time to share their highlights with you. There are bound to be little bumps and tired days, try and remain positive when this occurs, and communicate with your child's teacher so that we can work together to support them as needed.  We welcomed our Foundation students today which was wonderful. The older children always love having younger children to watch out for and take care of.


As the children settle back into school we have a strong focus on building relationships and connections. We draw on resources such as Berry Street, Bounce Back and Respectful Relationships Program to assist us in creating new relationships in our school between staff, children and families. Over the next few weeks you will hear the term 'Bucket Filling' in your home. This is a lovely concept about caring for each other.


As part of our building relationships and engaging families you will receive 'Learning Links' via Seesaw every fortnight. The aim of Learning Links is to inform families about what the children are focusing on in the classroom and to give you some suggestions about the ways you can engage with this learning at home. Teachers will suggest prompt questions you can ask your child to help them share their learning with you. For example if you know the children are learning about shape in class you could ask them "I wonder what shapes we have in our bathroom?" Please take the time to read these as they will assist you to be part of your child's learning.


Further to our building relationships and partnerships we will hold Parent Teacher Interviews for Grade 1-6 in a few weeks. Please start thinking about what you would like your child's teacher to know about your child. Information about this will come in the weeks ahead.


If you have any concerns or questions don't hesitate to contact your child's teacher so that we can work together to ensure that your child has the best possible year. Seesaw and email are the best forms of communication. 


Once again, welcome back everyone. I am looking forward to a wonderful year.

Rikki Winduss

Wellbeing Leader