Teacher Tales

Some Positives about Remote Learning from a staff member…

Something that has been surprising about teaching in this time is that my very shy and quiet students seem to be thriving and answering questions in a really detailed and thoughtful way. I haven’t seen this side of them in the classroom with the more dominant, extroverted students, and it has made me grateful that I have had this opportunity to see them shine in a different way.


A positive that has resonated with me is the fact that I have a daily check-in form with my students where they can leave me an optional note on how they’re feeling, or what’s going on in their world at the moment. This has been such a wonderful way to build rapport with students in this challenging time, have a laugh, or get a deeper insight into their lives. I feel very honoured that they’ve been sharing parts of their world with me, from good things, to really hard and difficult things!


Maria Allison

Staff Funky FRIDAY Huddle - Bring along your Pet!

Last week, our staff members got to introduce their beloved two and four footed family members to everyone! Apart from a runaway budgie in a certain Principals home, it was great to see them all and how they are handling us working from home.


Facilities at the College

Two  new projects commenced today at the College while everyone is remote learning at home. The storage area in Room 2 has had some renovation work done, and lights have been replaced in the  Science Wing and 200's

Work on the Senior Building is going well!


Chris Salisbury

Facilities Manager

Staff Practicing ISO between Classes

Time out feeding ,weeding and tending to the newly planted vegies.

Time out chatting to family overseas - This is my niece in Scotland who has knitted a hat for Marshmallow - her cat.  It's a Scottish cat in a hat!  Och aye! 


A reminder the we are all in this together from across the world.


Agatha Fedrizzi

Graduate teachers Reflecting on Remote Teaching and Learning

I think the aspect of remote teaching that has been the most surprising is how positively my students have responded to new technologies. As many teachers have, I’ve implemented a variety of ICT resources to maintain connections with my students and keep them engaged. Whilst some students have struggled to adapt to these new resources, the vast majority of students have taken the changes in their stride, signing into these resources within the first few days of Term 2.  


Another positive which has been really motivating for me has been the enthusiasm that students have brought to the video call check-ins. Despite being sceptical at first as to how much the students would want to engage with video calls, the opportunity to for us all to connect with each other face to face as a class community has been a strong galvanizing force before beginning a task, or when reflecting upon an activity we’ve recently completed. They’ve also been a great opportunity for me to continue to get to know my students better and build rapport through themed days and fun activities.


I have been surprised by the technology I have learned to use and adapt to. A month ago, I honestly had no idea how much more I would learn about technology- it’s certainly not ‘regular’ teaching, but its uses amaze me at the moment!


One positive thing that has really resonated with me during this time is the resilience of both students and colleagues. It’s been an uncertain time, but our community at Ringwood is rallying and supporting one another through the ups and downs, which as a graduate is something, I’m so grateful for.

Laugh - When You Can