Michael Kan
Michael Kan
Richard Long
Richard Long
Lachlan Noble
Lachlan Noble


Congratulations to all students in Years 9 - 11 to have successfully completed their exams. It is important to note, however, that while these are an important assessment tool in core subjects, exams in themselves do not signal the end of the semester. There is valuable learning to be undertaken in all subjects until the last day of term and it is an expectation that students attend all classes and meet all assessment obligations until this point in time.


End-of-semester reports will be available on Compass at the end of Term 2. Please read these reports carefully and discuss with your child how they can further improve their academic performance in the second half of this year. These reports will include a transcript of all information provided via Learning Tasks throughout Semester 1. Progress Reports will also be completed by teachers - these provide valuable feedback about students’ effort, organisation and behaviour.


When reflecting on their reports, students should focus upon the attributes and behaviours teachers recommend for further improvement - perseverance, hard-work, asking for help, taking pride in their learning and setting high expectations. Educational research has proven that intelligence is changeable (not predetermined or fixed), and that academic growth can be achieved by all - working hard, being resilient and acting on the advice in end-of-semester reports are the keys to achieving this growth.


Given the level of traffic along McKinnon Rd both before and after school, we need everyone to be extra careful with regard to safety.  This applies to all cyclists, pedestrians and motorists.  If you drive your child to school it would be appreciated if you could drop off or pick up your child in the surrounding streets rather than McKinnon Rd. Moreover, it would be a great idea to talk with your child about safety to and from school to support us at this very busy time.