Alumni at Koonung

The Class of 2022
Onwards and upwards from here. Well done on getting through exams. Now for some well-earned rest before your next journey starts. Exciting things to come!
Many of you have already joined the Alumni program which is great to see. For those of you that would still like to, please complete the ‘Class of 2022 Registration Form’ by clicking HERE. It will take 2 minutes!
- NETWORK - Connect with former Koonung students and kickstart your career!
- CONNECT - Stay connected to the school community in a meaningful way. Be part of a growing network of former students.
- MOTIVATE AND INSPIRE - Your post school experiences are invaluable intel and can inspire current students to think outside of the box.
- PARTICIPATE - Come back and share your experiences by participating in single subject classes or bigger career pathways sessions.
I’d really encourage you to setup your own LinkedIn page and request to be a member of the Private Koonung Alumni Group; it will open up opportunities for you. Here is the URL for the Private LinkedIn Group
Are you a Koonung alumni undertaking an Apprenticeship or Traineeship or have completed one?
Please can you send our Alumni Program Coordinator, Nancy Manders, an email because we’d love to invite you to speak to students in 2023. Email -
Koonung Awards Night
The Koonung Awards Night was a fantastic way for the 2022 school year to come to a close. Koonung Secondary College really is a pool of amazing students with such incredible talent, whether that be academic, sporting, arts, music or other. Congratulations to all students and to those that were recognised with an award.
On the evening, we welcomed alumni Michaela Clare-Cover (Class of 2017) as our guest speaker. Michaela delivered a fantastic keynote speech with the theme ‘OK. Why not?’. Once you’ve read below you’ll understand that she’s a go-getter and that her ‘OK. Why not?’ philosophy has meant that Michaela gives everything ‘a go’; no challenge is off-limits.
Michaela completed YR12 at Koonung in 2017. After completing YR12, Michaela studied an Associate Degree in Graphic Design at RMIT and is now a trained graphic designer and photographer with a strong background in leadership. She is currently an Integrated Designer at M&C Saatchi (an advertising agency).
Michaela has played major roles in the design of memorable marketing campaigns including the Victorian Government 'COVID-19 Response' campaign, World Vision 'This Means The World' campaign, The Australian Government 'A Life Changing Life' campaign, Hireup's Disability Support 'Brand Launch' as well as being a Lexus Australia Social photographer. She has also written, photographed, illustrated and produced her own cookbook ‘High End at Home’. As well as producing, cooking, photographing, styling and designing ‘Lara's Top 50 Cookbook’ by nutritionist Lara Gya. On top of all of this, she was also the designer and producer of 'Food Jail', a self-help book written by physiologist Stephanie Georgiou.
In her ‘spare time’ Michaela runs her own freelance design and photography business.
WOW! Thank you so much for returning to Koonung Michaela.
Koonung Secondary College’s Alumni Program
Developed in partnership with Ourschool,, a not-for-profit service that helps government secondary schools build a thriving alumni network to benefit current students and the school community. For more information about Koonung Secondary College’s alumni program please visit here.
If you completed Year 12 at Koonung Secondary College prior to this year and would like to join the Alumni Program…
Please complete the registration form HERE or email your name, year you completed YR12, contact number and email address to our Alumni Program Coordinator, Nancy Manders,
- LinkedIn Alumni Facebook Page -
- LinkedIn Private Koonung Alumni Group -
Kind regards
Nancy Manders
Alumni Program Coordinator
Days of work - Thursday, Friday
LinkedIn - Alumni LinkedIn Group
Facebook - Alumni Facebook Page
Email –