Performing Arts

College Musical
It is with great delight that we announce the cast of our 2023 musical, Seussical. We can't wait to see what is in store for us next year!
New! Koonung Theatre Parents Group
This year we are excited to announce the formation of a new parent group to support our college theatre productions. This initiative has come about from the enthusiasm of a group of parents who thoroughly enjoyed working together to support the 2022 production of the Sound of Music. It has been a tradition to form a parent helper group for the college musical production each year, but the process of disbanding and reforming for each show takes time and inevitably loses a little of the hard earned experience gained each year. Instead, we felt that there was a lot of potential benefit of having an ongoing, open group that could hit the group running with each new production, but with opportunities for people to come and go at any time as circumstances change.
The KTP aims to support the fabulous group of staff who give up so much of their time to bring school productions to the stage. There are a myriad of ways in which parents and friends can assist with productions, from making sets and costumes, to fundraising, promotions and assisting to manage the front of house during the production season.
If you have a child involved in the school production next year or thinking about it in the future (either on the stage or in the support crew), or you simply have an interest in the theatre and some skills or time to share, we would love to hear from you. We have a core group of volunteers who meet regularly for planning purposes, but there are also plenty of other members who step in on request to help in their area of interest.
The first step in getting on board with our enthusiastic team is to click here and join our Koonung Theatre Parents WhatsApp Group (or use the QR code below), introduce yourself and tell us a bit about your interests and how you’d like to get involved. We’ll be needing lots of help to bring Seussical to life and plan to have a lot of fun along the way, so we hope to hear from you soon!
Katherine Harding
Koonung Theatre Parent