Round the classes 

Reception class: Katie 

Over the past few weeks, we have been busy getting our artwork ready for the Uraidla Show. We have also been working on writing narratives and some recounts. This week we also started learning how to write some basic poems. 

In maths we have been learning how to give directions using the words, left, and right. We have also been consolidating our knowledge of number. 

As part of HASS we have started looking at maps and the other day we learnt to read a map of the Uraidla Showgrounds. We have also been trying to make our own maps. This week we have also been making some poppies for Remembrance Day. 


Year 1/2 classes: Sam and Kelly

With our excursion to Cleland Wildlife Park, Uraidla Show and Remembrance Day, we certainly have been busy.


Last Wednesday the Receptions, Year Ones and Twos went to Cleland Wildlife Park. The students did such a great job with their listening and following instructions. When visiting the Education Centre, the students learnt lots of facts about snakes and ring-tailed possums, which was great as it linked well to our information report learning.


In English, we have continued learning our beginning, middle and end sounds as well as blending two letters to make a sound and some spelling rules eg. magic e. The students have been learning about information reports: what they are and why we use them. We have been gathering facts and are learning how to put the information into sub-headings, for example habits, diets, appearance and classification.


In Maths we have been learning about money. Recognising the differences between cents and dollars, sorting them in order of value and also adding small amounts of coins and finding out the value of them.


In HASS, we have been learning about Remembrance Day: questions about what is Remembrance Day? Why is it important? Why do people wear poppies? What makes the 11th of November so special. It has been great to hear students' responses for this.


Year 3/4 class: Stephen and Henry

We have focused on using different media to create art works.  This included using crayons and charcoal.  Our examples showcase our success.  Some of us preferred one over the other and some of us liked using both in equal measure.



In maths we have done lots of revision of past learning, including how to simplify fractions, read graph types and solve factor trees.  We have also done lots of revision of past learning in English, focusing on making sure our narratives have sizzling starts, paragraphs and that we have tightened the tension.  We are looking forward to our excursion to Old Tailem Town to discover connections to learning in history and geography.


Year 3/4 class: Alex

In Design Technology students have begun preparing for a design project by learning about hydraulic (water) and pneumatic (air) power and how it can be used in systems. They have been conducting simple experiments to investigate both types of power. Students have been viewing the construction of simple machines built using pop-sticks, glue guns and other classroom materials. They have been thinking about and discussing how the designers have used hydraulic and pneumatic power with syringes and tubing to power these small machines. 

In mathematics students have set goals for their learning in the area of division. They have been investigating the relationship between multiplication and division and learning a range of efficient strategies to solve division problems.

In English students have continued working on their information report writing. They have organised their writing about a living thing into sections with subheadings and have been working on providing a thorough level of relevant detail. They have been keeping their list of references of sources they used to gather their information and have been participating in discussions around reliability and accuracy of information on different websites. 

In Week 4 students have been reviewing the history and meaning of Remembrance Day, inclusive of all lives lost. Students made poppies to wear during the ceremonial gathering on Friday and reflected on the symbolic meaning of the flower. 


Year 5/6 Class: Sallie

During the last fortnight we have been very busy with lots of hands-on activities.  Firstly, we had a fabulous (but very wet) excursion to Cleland National Park where we walked the Wine Shanty Track. We were led by Peter Geers (school grandparent and retired biology teacher) who helped us identify native and non-native plants.  We also used this time to take some fabulous photos that we entered into the Uraidla Show. (First Hannah, Second Alby, Third Brody). In addition to entering these photos we also made some papier-mâché birds. The birds looked fabulous perched on their branch (First Trinity,  Second Henry, Third Hannah) and the whole display won best exhibit for the show. exciting!!!  

As a class we also spent most of our Friday helping to set up for the show. The students washed bottles, covered tables, put out bins, and helped prepare the club rooms. On Monday many volunteered to clean up too. 

The 5/6 class with their prize-winning birds!
The 5/6 class with their prize-winning birds!


Band Workshop at The Adelaide Showground 

We do band at school, as you may know, and this year we had an activity called the Instrumental Band Workshop. Out of the few we had, only 2 of us actually went to the workshop, that was me, Lucas, and my brother, Aidan. We had our parents drive us there and back with our instruments. The people there, like Sarah our music teacher, helped us set up our stand and put us in specific spots.

I really didn’t get the 1st part before recess and I got really stressed about it, but we went and got Sarah to boost my confidence. She was there for 1 song while one of the other teachers sat there for the rest of the songs.

We played…

Wyndemere Overture, The Three Faces of Kilimanjaro, Chinese Folk Fantasy, Just a Closer Walk with Thee, Accidentally in Love, (from Shrek 2), Pirates of the Caribbean, The Adams Family, Music from Grease Lightning, Enter Sandman by Metallica, and the last Copacabana by Barry Manilow. 

The teacher next to me absolutely BLASTED the high A’s right at the trumpet player in front. The room reached over 100 decibels by far from where I was sitting, mostly because I had one of the teachers with a French horn in front of me. I’d say it’s one of the loudest brass instruments. We went there for the 2nd day where there was a concert that we played at with another band. We really had fun and learnt a lot.  

By Lucas.


Unpacking Wellbeing in Public Schools

On Tuesday Aidan, Margie and I (Hannah) went to the Adelaide Convention Centre for a Wellbeing conference. We arrived and made our way to a large conference hall and found a table which also had 2 students and a teacher from Black Forest Primary School. In the first session we introduced ourselves to our table members and others around us and they announced what we were going to do. The purpose of the convention was to get data and student opinions for the Minister for Education in SA, Blair Boyer. After recess we swiftly moved on to the next session and we were focusing mainly on school belonging and school atmosphere. As a section of this, we were able to make 2 large posters revolving around the two topic words: stop and start. (For example, stop lots of homework or start having a dedicated transition day to get to know people.) That led us right through to lunch time. Margie gave us a small tour around and we didn’t get to do much of the last lesson because we had to leave a bit early in order to get back to school on time. 

Overall it was a very educational and enjoyable experience and gave us the insight into some of the data about how students feel and what to do with it. 

By Aidan and Hannah. 


SAPSASA News - Cricket

Last week I represented the Hills district in cricket. We played several matches at different grounds. The first game we played was indoor cricket. It was a practice match.  It was a great experience and fun. When we played outside we played on a hard wicket. The team that we had first made 75 runs in 20 overs, we made 81. We made 100 runs and they made 125 runs in a 40 over match. If we won that one we would go up to division 1 which was to get in the finals. On the last day we had a 40 over match to get into 3rd place but lost the match and came 4th.  I made 40 runs too.

By Karim


Indonesian : Ibu Susan

Last week we enjoyed watching the role-plays written and performed by the year 3/4 classes and the 5/6 class. The students worked hard to memorise their lines and speak with an authentic Indonesian accent. They all did very well and are now hopefully more confident at speaking in Indonesian! 


P/E : Troy

In PE students have been preparing for Sports Day. Here are some action shots from a few classes practising their athletic events and tabloid games. 


Gardening : Jo 

The 1/2 students put together  recycled scarecrows for the Uraidla Show, decorating faces, choosing clothing and finishing off with ribbons.