Junior School

This week I enjoyed meeting new children who will be joining us in Stage 3 next year. Students joined us for half a day, finding out all about what everyday school will be like and we have an enthusiastic bunch ready to join us. They particularly loved Science in the Senior School with Ms Stammer and finding out all about our Berimba Band Music programme. Our Stage 3 students certainly do have lots of opportunities which help to prepare them for the transition into Senior School. 


At time of publication, our students will be busily running the “Fun Run” up at the Wentworth Falls campus. This will be an amazing event for all of our students. I am so thankful to the P&F teams from both campuses who are working together to make this happen. The funds raised go right back into our school to support our students. We will be using funds to purchase items for play (inside and outside) for our students on both campuses. This year the run is a “Bubble Run” so children may come home smelling nice and soapy!


Soon we will be communicating about our last weeks of school – there is much to celebrate including our Early Years Nativity, our Graduating Year 6 class, Presentation Day and Christmas Carols on the lawn with the entire school community. I hope to see you at these events.


Mrs Rachael Newton

Head of Junior School

Important Information from Transport NSW

The school has been advised by Transport NSW about next week’s train disruptions on Monday 21st and Friday 25th November


Please be advised this may impact student journeys to and from school as there will be a number of cancelled services on the Sydney Trains and NSW Trains network. 


Transport NSW has informed the school that there will be significant delays and longer travel times. Transport NSW has recommended to avoid non-essential travel where possible and plan ahead at https://transportnsw.info/

Stage 2 Rock Climbing Incursion

On Monday, 14th November the Stage 2 Goldfish went to the Senior School to do rock climbing with the Year 9 Wild Education students. 


The purpose of the trip was to give the students the opportunity to apply the strategies they have been learning about in their PDH classes, to help them stay strong when they go out of their comfort zones. 


The students had a fabulous time. Some went up the wall six times! They were able to persist when they felt they couldn’t and were resilient by using a ‘can do’ attitude. I was very proud that they all tried to go further than their previous turn.


Mrs Lori Gerrard

Stage 2 Teacher

Junior School Basketball

Term 4 - Week 6


BMGS Swish had a bye.


On Monday, 14th November, the BMGS Slam Dunks had a loss to the Ballers, who are currently in third spot on the ladder. The score certainly didn’t reflect their effort. Their defence has improved immeasurably. Playing against older and more experienced players can be tough but the girls put in their best effort each week and Mrs Lord is helping to keep them motivated by giving them goals to work towards.


On Tuesday, 15th November, the BMGS Stars were all present. We had our first week in a long time with all nine players ready to take the court. Alexander Kinnear was the first player to score, which motivated the other players to keep taking shots. Our accuracy was a little off but with another basket from Alexander and one each from Harry Burgess and Sebastian Nicholls, we were in a good position to take the win. 


The team did a great job at defending with Madeleine Russell constantly chasing down the ball to help us turn it over. The team won 8 to 4.


Mrs Lori Gerrard

Meet the New Extend After School Care Educator










My name is Jasmine Giles and I am your new Extend After School Educator. I am a bubbly empathetic person who loves being around children and loves seeing how children navigate through the world.


As the year is coming to an end, my aim is to build a beautiful relationship with my children and families.  I cannot wait to bring new and exciting activities into 2023. 

Activities involving creativity, teamwork, problem solving, communication, sustainability which will help enhance development and learning skills.


Jasmine Giles