Wellbeing with Mr Lindsay


Hi families, 

Transitions occur for all students (and teachers) throughout their school day. They can be as minor as moving from a table to the floor, moving from a classroom space to a specialist space or transitioning from the yard to the classroom. But some transitions feel bigger.

Change is often challenging for us as humans, but it can also be exciting and refreshing. As we approach the end of the year, many of our students will start to think of the upcoming changes they will experience. Most students will be moving to a different learning space, with different peers and teachers. Our Year 6 students will move to an entirely new school! 


Change pushes us out of our comfort zone, which isn’t a bad thing. With these changes, our students will make new friends, have new learning experiences and grow with fresh knowledge of the world. 


But not knowing what the future looks like can be a nerve-wracking concept, and it’s important to support our students as they navigate the emotions which accompany change. 

There are some key things we do that ensure we are providing an environment where students feel they are being set up for a successful transition. 

  • Prepare: we provide a platform for students and teachers to discuss, ask questions, share concerns and opportunities they’re looking forward to. 
  • Connect: we provide space and time to connect with new staff and students.
  • Familiarity: we allow the time for students to become familiar with the learning spaces and school environments. 
  • Share: Teachers are provided time to discuss our students and handover information which will support a smooth transition. 


Whilst these supports are universal and applied to all students, we also pride ourselves on having a personalised approach and are flexible in supporting students who need additional guidance to manage change. It is common for us to offer and host additional transition sessions for students, provide social stories and facilitate peer connection opportunities to ensure every student is feeling comfortable.

I’d encourage you to begin talking to your child/ren about the 2022/23 transition by simply asking:

  • How are you feeling about moving up to year __?
  • Can you pinpoint one thing that makes you feel that way?
  • What can I do to help you?


Here are some great resources to help your child with school transitions:

Prep - Transition to school:

Grade 6-7 - Transition to Secondary School:

Support for Students with Special Needs:



Speak soon, Rhys