Year 6 Police Camp

Police Camp Stories


By Archer C, 6B 

I only found out about the police camp from my friend Josh when I was walking my dog. As soon as I heard about it I knew I wanted to go. 

On the camp, we had food that I would have never thought I would get to eat like the first night we got fish and chips FROM A RESTAURANT! After dinner, we had ice cream for dessert and went on a walk along the beach. While on the beach we stopped by a pier to watch some fishermen fish. One of the fishermen broke an expensive squid rod but still managed to bring in a lot. After our walk, we went into our cabins to sleep with people we chose to be our roommates. 


After we woke up we had free time until breakfast, one of the main things we did in our free time was gaga ball. Gaga ball is a game where you only have one touch until after someone else hits it. The main objective in this game is to hit someone with the ball below the knees. Once we got called in by the bell we numbered ourselves off and went inside for toast and cereal. We then went on a 4km ride down in the lighthouse near Spring Beach and went to the pier where I was assessing the jump-off ability of the pier and then we rode 4km back for a wrap lunch. After that, we learned things about being a cop and asking the policemen questions. Gaga ball came up again with more free time until dinner of schnitzels. We then went through police scenarios before going to sleep. 


On the last day, we got mostly free time but then we did some teamwork activities like balancing a beam using everyone and learning our birthdays through hand signals. We then went on our third beach walk and visited an army cannon. For lunch that day we had sausage and bread (I personally had 3) and ANZAC biscuits, we had a little free time until the journey home. 


By Josh H, 6B 

Today I will be telling you about our police camp. 

The first day. 

We had a visit to our cabins and the place. The plants were really cool but there were lots of mosquitoes so we headed back to the meeting place. We did some little games like Window Crack. That is where you all go in a circle and lock your feet together with your legs open so the ball can go in. If the ball is coming toward you you want to stop it. We played this game 3 times and then we did the rules of the camp. 

Second day.

We woke up early and got our bikes. We went on a bike ride along the beach, it was beautiful. We got to this cool lighthouse and then we did a walk along the beach. We then went to the pier and saw fishermen catching fish. We got back to the camp and had free time. I played volleyball. 

Third day.

We didn’t do much because we were leaving but we did a big walk on the beach. I learned so much about the police and I enjoyed it. 


By Kendrix N and Soham D,  6C 

On the first day of police camp, which was in Geelong, Camp Wyuna, we arrived and the first thing we did was dropped our luggage in a safe spot we went to the red hall in where we discussed our goals and safety rules. We got to know each other before going to a lookout point of a beautiful bay/lake. After that we came back and had some dinner, it was very delicious as we had fish and chips, for the vegetarian option we had chips and bread, after dinner, we settled into our cabins that looked amazing and very comfy. We all had our tummies full but when we saw the dessert we couldn’t resist ourselves. We all got ice cream and we went for a walk along the beach, the best part was the waves crashing and the gentle breeze brushing along our skin.  From the beach, we went to a lighthouse that was very well-maintained and a good place to look at the beach. From the lighthouse we went to a pier where we saw people fishing for squids, it was cool because we got to see one of them catch a BIG one! After that we continued our walk which then lead to us getting lost, we were all very tired by the time we got to camp. 


On the second day we woke up and changed our clothes getting ready for the big day we had ahead of us. At around 7:30 am, we heard a loud bell, this was signifying that we had free time for 1hr before breakfast. Breakfast was at 8:30 but the duty group had to go at 8:15 to help set up for breakfast. After all of us had finished breakfast we were supposed to go canoeing but it was canceled due to the windy weather, we went biking instead. We all walked down to the bike shed and were amazed at the number of mountain bikes they had. We got our helmets fitted and instructed on the basis of our safety. We set out for our 1 hr ride. We stopped at a lighthouse and looked around it, following that we went to a beach and took photos under a pier. After that, we walked to the end of the pier to see fishermen it wasn’t too exciting as they didn’t catch much but it was a fun experience. After that, we rode back to camp and we had a scrumptious lunch that satisfied our hunger. We had free time after our lunch and everyone gathered to play Gaga ball. After we played 10-15 games, we went on an initiative course in which we had to test our communication and teamwork skills. Which was an important virtue in the police force. From there on we went back and had another 1hr of free time. We then had dinner in which we had peas, potatoes, and a schnitzel, for the vegetarian option the schnitzel was replaced with a potato patty, we then topped all of that with some gravy. Our dessert was ICE CREAM!! With our full tummies, we went for another long walk along the beach leading to the neighbourhood. We all were exhausted by the time we got back but we had two more things to do, the first was Q&A with the police in which we learned about their job and the second was a campfire, we roasted marshmallows and enjoyed the crispy outer edge covering a gooey golden inside. After the awesome experience, we settled into bed and went to sleep. 


On the third day which was our last, we mostly had free time in which we mostly played Gaga ball and basketball, we then went for our final walk along the beach and collected shells along with taking photos for memories of the camp. For our final lunch, we had hotdogs, for the vegetarian option it was burgers with any toppings we desired. They were AWESOME, we topped it off with ANZAC biscuits just before we left to come back to school. 


Overall it was an awesome experience and a very memorable camp.