Community News

Class and Year Reps Needed for 2023!

Class and Year Reps provide invaluable support to families, teachers and indeed the whole school community by supporting or organising social activities, distributing or highlighting relevant information to all parents in a class or year and offering support and prayer to any families that may need it.


It’s a deeply rewarding role, coordinated by Friends of Donvale (FOD) – but don’t just take our word for it - this is what one of this year’s Reps had to say:

Being a Year Rep this year has been a real privilege ... and I've enjoyed supporting teachers and families by sharing updates, messages and reminders of school events. It has been great being able to partner with the school and families in building a stronger DCC community.

It’s not all one way, though. A Primary teacher put it like this:

It’s hard to imagine teaching at DCC without parent helpers. Their support, prayer, care and partnership make our job so much easier. When teachers and parents work in partnership, students hear that school is important and perceive that caring people are investing time and resources to help them succeed in their learning journey. 

Friends of Donvale are now seeking to fill Class/Year Rep roles for 2023. Whether you’re an old hand at this, or want to try something new, we would love to hear from you.

Contact us through before Monday 5th December.

Mums in Business Group

If you're a mum and you run a business, this is for you! Once a fortnight we spend time together sharing experiences, both great and small, and generally supporting one another as we manage family and business.


Our last meeting for this term will be  tomorrow, Friday 25 November.


Contact to find out more.




A Heart of Prayer

A Prayer Group has started and will run every Monday morning from 8:30-9:30 and

every Friday afternoon from 2-3 in the FOD lounge (end of Building A).


It's completely informal - just sit with others to uphold the College in prayer as well as to pray for any school families who are in need.


There is no need to commit to every session or every week and it's open to anyone from the school community. Pop in for a few minutes or for however long you can stay for. Enjoy a cuppa too if you want.


No pressure to pray out loud and if you have a favourite verse to share, a word of encouragement or a song or hymn that you want to share or sing, that is welcomed too! 

To find out more or to send your prayer requests so we can pray for you, please contact:

Ruth Fok (Year 10 Mum) through

Let's Go to the Movies!

Nothing to do with films, but all to do with Dance@ Donvale's Christmas concert this Saturday 26 November at 7pm


Come support and celebrate  the community of students who dance at lunch time and after school here at DCC, they have worked so hard this year!


Book your tickets through Eventbrite here. Adult $20; Child $10


And, if you're considering enrolling your student for 2023 we have a great discount offer: enrol before the end of concert on Saturday to receive 25% off the Enrolment Fee and 5% off Term fees for the whole of  2023. Find out more here, or email Bethany via 


Hope to see you all at "Let's Go To The Movies", and to dance with you in 2023!


The Dance@ Donvale Team


Have you been enjoying your tennis lessons at Donvale during term time? Slamin Tennis do great holiday programs too – check them out here: