Voting is Compulsory!

Tim Argall - Executive Principal

For many years now, my friends overseas have expressed their incredulity that, in Australia, it is compulsory to cast a vote in all Federal and State-based elections.  


“Isn’t that over-reach,” say my American friends. “But, surely you’d want to do it,” say my Canadian friends.  “It’s your duty!” say my German friends.  To all, I simply reply “When you get to know Aussies, you’ll discover that making voting compulsory means we actually do it – rather than think about it and then never get around to it.  Without the push, it is possible that the turnout would be very, very small.”


Disclaimer: This is not a political statement, nor a reflection on what each party contesting the election has to offer. It’s OK to stop reading, if that’s what you’d hoped for.  This is not a “how to vote” piece.


In reading articles written by Christian commentators on the need to vote, Exodus 18:21 seems to be offered up more often than most as a reason why we, as Christians, should vote: 

“Moreover, look for able men from all the people, men who fear God, who are trustworthy and hate a bribe, and place such men over the people as chiefs of thousands, of hundreds, of fifties, and of tens.”

But this is not an article about why we should vote. Rather, it is an article about preparing my heart to enter into a process that, I have to acknowledge, has been given to me by God.


Here are some principles that I have gleaned from this reading; I’ve personalised them, as a way of prompting me to act on them in faithfulness.  I hope they are an encouragement to you as you prepare for Saturday.

  • Make God’s word my primary voting guide
  • Consider a wide range of issues, not just a few, before deciding who to vote for
  • Identify the major issues I am hoping for parliamentary leadership on, and research who holds attitudes and positions themselves similarly to me
  • Seek to vote for candidates who uphold Christian principles
  • Look for candidates to vote for that have a proven track record that honours God
  • Be aware that it is almost impossible to find a candidate that is ideal in every way; in fact, they will all have flaws, even if we don’t see them
  • Typically, we will have to choose between candidates because none of them are ideal
  • Know that God will honour my intentions as I vote
  • Respect those who oppose my political position
  • Pray before I cast my vote
  • God has a plan that is already working itself out, no matter who is elected to leadership of the democratically elected governing party
  • God uses all things – including the upcoming election – to work together for the good of his people.

Passages such as Romans 13:1-7 teach us that our greatest hope does not lie with any earthly leader, but with our heavenly Father, who is divinely able to overcome evil for good. Indeed (from verse 4), God can even use a bad ruler as his “servant for your good”.


Of course, our greatest allegiance is not to earthly rulers, but to God, and it is in Him that we trust and hope for all our future blessings.  There are many, many issues pressing in on us as a community at the moment. Some of them are the direct result of the way our State and Federal governments have framed new legislation. 


The biblical narrative is not one where God’s people are free from persecution, difficulties and opposition.  God’s purposes are often worked out in the midst of some of the most difficult times imaginable.


We, in this country, are blessed with many freedoms people in many other countries can only dream of. We are required to vote to ensure that a proper representation of our citizens, of their thoughts, emphases, and desires, is delivered through the electoral process.  


When all is said and done by the end of the weekend, we will still come to school and be able to be God’s people gathered intentionally to seek Christian education at its most God-honouring for all 1550 or so of our students.  That is a remarkable freedom!


I thank God for this privilege.  It prompts me to research the candidates, to understand their stances, but – ultimately – to pray earnestly that God’s will be done in the outcome of this week’s State election.


Will you join me in this?

