2023 Important Dates

This page gives you an idea of when things will be happening in Term 1. Any changes will be communicated. Items will be added, these will once again be communicated with families.
15th: Whole school swimming carnival (no preps)
20th: Teeth on Wheels Van
21-22: Parent Teacher Interviews - Get to know you sessions
22nd: Ash Wednesday and Start of Year Mass
23rd: Advertised School Tour
28th: Sovereign Hill Camp - Parent information night
1st: Preps first Wednesday
2nd: Staff head up to Phillip Island for conference
3rd: School closure day - conference at Phillip Island
6th: Advertised school tour
8-10: 3/4 Camp at Sovereign Hill
13th: Labour Day - School closed
15th: NAPLAN 2023 begins
21st: Harmony Day
23rd: Inform and Empower - Parent community webinar
23rd: National Day of Action against Bullying
24th: Advertised school tour
31st: Proposed color run date
4th: Advertised school tour
5th: School photo day
6th: Term 1 ends