From the Principal

Welcome to STM 2023!!!
We are all so excited to be back and the children have settled into routines so well. I am so proud of each and everyone of them. It is a bumper edition of the newsletter and hopefully it will provide answers to some of the tricky admin based questions which arise at the start of every year.
I would like to thank the community on behalf of my family for the kind words, flowers and cards with the passing of my dad. My family are doing ok, but as we know when things like this happen it takes time. Please can I ask that if you are someone that prays, please keep my family in your thoughts and prayers. I will be taking next week off, the school will be left in the very capable hands of Acting Deputy Principal Danielle George, with Marcia Janky and Belinda Saville supporting her.
We had a busy day in my house on Monday as Emma (6) started in Year 1 and Connor (4) started his first day of 4 year old Kinder. They grow up way too fast.
Teeth on Wheels:
Dear Families,
Just a reminder that we have Teeth On Wheels visiting our school for dental visits starting on the 20th of February.
Please click on the link below to complete your child’s consent form.
Complete your form today and the Teeth On Wheels team will be in contact to schedule your child’s appointment and notify you on your eligibility. If you are not eligible, Teeth On Wheels will offer you a special deal of $99 for the full check-up, clean, fluoride treatment and any x-rays if required (this can be claimed back through your private health insurance).
For any further questions, please contact the Teeth On Wheels team on (03) 9338 1191.
School Closure Day:
Our first school closure day of the year will be Friday 3rd of March. The staff will be undertaking some professional development. The school will be closed on this day.
3/4 Camp to Sovereign Hill:
Our Year 3/4 camp is fast approaching. Next week I will send out an Operoo with more information around logistics and important dates. There was an error in the fee schedule sent out to families. The cost for the 3/4 camp this year is $350 and the 5/6 camp is $210.
The main reason for this is the 3/4 camp is a 3 day, 2 night camp which requires buses for transportation and the 5/6 city camp is only a 2 day, 1 night camp and the train is used to transport students.
Tarnia from the office will contact impacted families who have already started paying fees. There will be a Parent info night about camp on Tuesday 28th of Feb at 7pm (this will be a zoom meeting. Link to be shared closer to the date).
Swimming Carnival:
On Wednesday 15th of February we will be holding our first Swimming Carnival in 3 years. The events are fun and all students are able to participate as they will be run in the shallow end in the pool. There will also be swimming trials for Year 3-6 students who are looking to make the STM swim team this year. Parents are welcome to attend but will need to have completed the STM Child Safety Code of Conduct (can be found at the office). A working with children's check is also required (you may attend without a WWCC as it is a public space). An Operoo was sent out on Monday with more logistical information.
As it is a Wednesday, Preps will not be in attendance.
Music Lessons:
Singing and Piano:
Experienced music tutor Madeleine Griersmith offers lessons in either singing or piano atSt Thomas More. Lessons are held at school during school hours and are open to allstudents in grades 2-6 regardless of their musical experience. Madeleine has abackground in classical piano and choir singing and teaches a diverse range of modern contemporary, musical theatre and classical repertoire to keep students engaged in their music practice. Piano is taught in weekly half hour lessons, while singing is offered either as a private half hour lesson or in a group of 2 students (where a suitable partner is available).
Costs are as follows: Half hour private lesson (singing or piano) $37.00
Shared half hour lesson (singing) $26 per student
If you are interested in having your child learn singing or piano, or have any queries please contact Madeleine directly on:
m: 0408 539 523 e:
Guitar and Drums:
Experienced performing musician and teacher Jed Rowe offers lessons in either guitar or drum kit at St Thomas More. Lessons are held during school hours on Thursdays, at a cost of $41 per half hour lesson. The focus is on having fun while building skills and knowledge of music, and students have the opportunity to be part of small ensembles and rock bands, and to show off their progress with performances at school if they desire. Lessons are open to all students from grades 2-6. Please register your interest with the office and Jed will get in touch with you to discuss.
Production 2023!
The Reluctant Dragon - by Katherine Schultz Miller
Widget and his pal Hairytoes (our heroes) discover a dragon lurking in a cave. Their secret is exposed by the neighborhood bullies. Suddenly the entire town is whipped into a fury and the cry goes up: Slay the dragon!!
King Fancy Pants summons the Great Saint George to do the deed! The only problem is, Mortimer the dragon is friendly. Our heroes love him and are desperate to save his life. So they travel to the Master Guru on the Mountain, who teaches them how to train their dragon for battle!
Old Folks of the Valley tell the story and keep the action flowing to the big moment! Lovable Mortimer learns to put on a good show for the Villagers. His battle with Saint George is tremendous excitement for performers and audience who join in the fun. It's a hilarious story that will have you cheering for the dragon and his pals!
HATS: We are a SUNSMART school
Hats are to be worn during play times during terms 1 and 4. If a student is not wearing a school hat they will be asked to play in the shade.
Swimming Display:
Check out this new display created by Art Leader Lorelei. The drawings were a part of a buddy activity between the Prep/1 students and the 5/6 students. Looks amazing.
2023 Tuition Fees & Levies:
Please note there is an error on this form. The 3/4 camp is $350 and the 5/6 camp will be $210. The main reason for this is the 3/4 camp is a 3 day, 2 night camp which requires buses for transportation and the 5/6 city camp is only a 2 day, 1 night camp and the train is used to transport students.
Thank you, take care and God Bless