Teaching and Learning

Technology Afternoon

On Tuesday our students were invited to bring along some of their favourite technology items to talk about and share using with their peers. Students were asked to speak to the group and explain how their item worked/connected, how often they use it, why they liked it and answer any questions from the group. Of course their favourite part of the afternoon was using this equipment with their mates!

Christmas Activity Day

Yesterday our students and staff were given the opportunity to "Get their Christmas on" and participate in a range of Christmas related activities. This day culminated in a share time in the afternoon where we heard two musical performances of Christmas songs (accompanied very ably by Mr Collins on guitar) and were able to see the baubles, sweets houses and lanterns that the students had created. 

News from Miss Coffey

Writing with Miss Coffey (Prep-2)

What a term of writing we have had! Culminating in the production of our very own ‘Bumper Book of Poetry’ that the P-2 students will have brought home to share with you last week. This book showcases all the hard work and effort we’ve put into our Poetry Writing this term, along with demonstrating our developing ICT skills. It’s been such a pleasure to work with these budding and enthusiastic young writers. We hope you enjoy the various styles of poetry that we’ve written in our sessions.


Drama with Miss Coffey (Prep-6)

Well, the day finally arrived, (after much rehearsal and deliberation over costumes!) with lots of excitement and anticipation for the presentation of our plays- The Three Little Pigs, Goldilocks and the Three Bears and The Three Billy Goats Gruff. Thanks to parents and caregivers who rummaged at home to locate clothing and items that may have supported their child’s costumes and props. Here are some photos of us, decked-out in our costumes, looking very professional and keen!



Christmas Activities- sequined baubles 

A fun day of crafting and frivolities was had on Wednesday 14th in the lead up to Christmas. We made some beautiful sequined Christmas tree decorations in my rotation with students. We hope that these ornaments become treasured additions to you tree for many years to come! Hopefully, you’ll also have some fond memories of making them with me!

Thanks for another fabulous year! 

Have a wonderful Christmas break everyone, I look forward to seeing students and families in 2023. 

Bron Coffey 


Fitness Miss Coffey

This morning was the final Wednesday Fitness session run by Miss Coffey. Over the course of the term, we have learnt a wide variety of new games including Farmer Sam, Fire and Ice Tag, ‘Stick it’, Horses and Jockeys, Rat Catcher, Smash the Window and Builders and Wreckers. What a fun term of fitness we’ve had!

Check out the photos from today’s ‘Stick it’ game!

Respectful Relationships and Outdoor Education 

Today is our final session for the year. As most of you will already know, our students participate in these sessions each fortnight (alternating with MARC sessions).

This year in Respectful Relationships, we have completed lots of activities that have focussed on our values, individual differences, personal strengths and how to manage our moods. 

Outdoor Education has seen us learn about plants and gardening, grow our own vegetables and herbs as well as harvest them for cooking or to take home. We have also completed act/craft activities using objects and inspirations from nature. 

I am really looking forward to taking our student for these two curriculum areas once again in 2023. 

Lisa Duffy 



Breakfast Club

Last Friday was our final Breakfast Club for the year. We finished with an old favourite- The McDuffin (with some freshly squeezed juice and hashbrowns thrown in). We hope to continue this program in 2023, but it will be dependent upon participant numbers as this year tended to be mainly the older students coming along to have breakfast together. 

